Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Review rejected posts or private messages

From the Moderation tab, you can review posts or private messages that are rejected as Spam, Abuse, or other reasons. This list includes posts rejected by moderators through the Moderation tab as well as the posts rejected as spam through the community user interface or by the system. It also includes private messages that are confirmed as abuse from the Abuse management tab.

Review rejected posts

  1. Sign in to the community as a Moderator.
  2. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Moderation.
    The Moderation tab is displayed with the list of posts and comments (replies) sent for moderation.
  3. To view rejected posts, go to Filters and select the following:
    • For the Moderation Status, select Rejected.
    • Under Found In, select Posts and Replies.
    • For the Reject Reason, select the reason for which the posts were rejected (SpamAbuse, or Other).

You can further filter the search based on the Keyword and Author of the posts.

For each rejected post, you can see its:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Date Rejected
  • Reason why the post was rejected
  • Who rejected the post (a moderator or the system)

From the Moderation tab, moderators can take several actions on rejected posts. These actions vary based on the Reason for which the post was rejected.  

Possible actions include:

  • Recover posts mistakenly marked as Spam: From the Moderation tab, you can mark posts as not spam. To mark a post as not spam, open the Options menu next to the post rejected as spam and select Mark as not Spam.


    You can recover these posts from the Spam tab.

    After you mark a post as not spam, it is available in the community. It will also be removed from the Moderation and Spam management tabs. 
  • Ignore abuse for mistakenly reported posts: From the Moderation tab, you can mark posts as not abuse by opening the Options menu next to the post rejected as abuse and select Mark as not Abuse

    After you mark the post as not abuse, the post is viewable on the community and removed from the Moderation tab.

  • Recover posts rejected for other reasons: From the Moderation tab, you can recover posts rejected for other reasons. To recover a post, open the Options menu next to the post rejected for other reasons and select Approve.

    After you mark the post as approved, the post is viewable in the community and removed from the Moderation tab.

Review private messages

  1. Sign in to the community as a Moderator.
  2. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Moderation.
  3. To view rejected private messages, go to Filters and select the following:
    • For the Moderation Status, select Rejected.
    • Under Found In, select Private Messages.

The Moderation tab is displayed with the list of private messages sent for moderation. 

From the Moderation tab, you can ignore abuse for mistakenly reported private messages. To ignore abuse for a private message, open the Options menu next to the message from the list and select Mark as not Abuse.

Updated 28 days ago
Version 13.0
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