Forum Discussion

nickyates's avatar
12 years ago

sorting forum posts by the number of messages in each post

I am trying to make a custom component which displays the 3 forum posts with the most comments.  I am having trouble displaying the posts in decending numerical order of the number of comments each post has.  is there a way to do this using either the API or Freemarker?  Please could you provide an short example?  Thanks

5 Replies

  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    12 years ago

    Hey nickyates,


    Here is a sample component I wrote to print out the id's of threads in descending order by the message count in the thread.


    <#assign thread_list=rest("/boards/id/Moderation/threads").threads.thread/>
    <#list thread_list?sort_by(['messages','count'])?reverse as thread>

     You should be able to get the topic message from each thread using thread.messages.topic.


    I hope this helps,



  • nickyates's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Yuri,


    Now ive added some more activity to my board ive noticed that the ordering isnt quite right.  My top 5 boards are ordered by the number of messages as shown descibed in your code above however it is ordered as described below








    I believe this is because the sort_by is assuming that the content of the count field is text.  In a previous thread ( i added in the ?number command however when i do the same here it throws an error.





  • AdamN's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    12 years ago

    Here's an alternate approach that may work for what you're trying to do:


    One downside is that you'd have to make a separate REST API call per message to get the number of replies, ie.


    You can use the href attribute to make it easier, though. For example:

    <#assign messages=rest("/search/messages?q=is_root:true&sort_by=-replies").messages />
    <#list messages.message as message>
    	<#assign count = rest(message.@href + "/replies/count").value />
    	<li>${} - ${count}</li>

     I hope this helps!

  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    12 years ago

    The problem is that sort_by is not able to convert strings to numbers. And our DOM has all the items as strings. You can either do two pass-throughs like what we did in here, or you can try Adam's suggestion which I think is more elegant but requires 2 calls.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi,


    I am trying to sort posts by no. of views. How to do that .


    Just tried below code, based on YuriK solution, but it doesn't works :


    <#assign thread_list=rest("/boards/id/<board_ID>/threads").threads.thread/>
    <#list thread_list?sort_by(['messages','views','count'])?reverse as thread>

    Thank you.


