ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Excluding certain threads from SEO We have. We made use of the moderation manager custom tags to trigger it - that's all I know. It works though! Re: 16.10 Release Notes Not really - depends on the community really. Does it always look like this? Add to that the definitions of casual users and superusers are quite vague,so it's difficult to double check. What you can do is compare the number of members who signed in in the last 60 days with the number of members who posted. That *should* give you the 70/30 split as outlined above. Re: 15.4 Release Notes Hi NaokiT - thanks for the clarification. It's a great piece of work, and adds real insight to my day, so thanks for your hard work too :) Re: 15.4 Release Notes Top Members, and filter by members is great. Love the Klout top members chart. Very interesting reading. One problem I've found is when filtering - say by role - the Accepted Solutions and Kudos only reflects the group selected. For example Superuser#1 has authored 300 Solutions Authored and 500 kudos received in the last six months. --Filter Equals Superuser-- Superuser#1 now has only 10 Solutions Authored and 50 Kudos in the last six months I'm guessing - given that other community members appear in the Kudos Received and Solutions Authored - that this is only the Kudos given, and solutions that were accepted by Superusers. Is this how it's supposed to work? Would be more useful if these were the overall value, rather than a filtered value - although it's nice to know who's most popular within the Superuser community - it would make for more logical stats if these columns were additional columns. Thanks