ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Handlebars Context Objects I gave up, I just did this in javascript, code if anyone else needs it: <div class="social-share"> <ul class="sharing-options"> <li> <a class="social-share-linkedin social-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Share to LinkedIn" src="{{}}" /> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-share-facebook social-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Share to Facebook" src="{{}}" /> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-share-x social-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Share to X" src="{{}}" /> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-share-reddit social-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Share to Reddit" src="{{}}" /> </a> </li> <li> <a class="social-share-email social-link" href="mailto:?body=page.url" target="_blank"> <img alt="Share to Email" src="{{}}" /> </a> </li> {{#if page.context.board}} <li class="social-share-rss" id="RSS"> <a class="social-share-rss" href="/t5/s/gxcuf89792/rss/board?{{}}" target="_blank"> <img alt="Subscribe to RSS" src="{{assets.rss.url}}" /> </a> </li> {{else if page.context.category}} <li class="social-share-rss" id="RSS"> <a class="social-share-rss" href="/t5/s/gxcuf89792/rss/Category?{{}}" target="_blank"> <img alt="Subscribe to RSS" src="{{assets.rss.url}}" /> </a> </li> {{else}} <li class="social-share-rss" id="RSS"> <a class="social-share-rss" href="/t5/s/gxcuf89792/rss/Community" target="_blank"> <img alt="Subscribe to RSS" src="{{assets.rss.url}}" /> </a> </li> {{/if}} </ul> </ul> <script> var currentURL = window.location.href; var strippedURL = currentURL.split('?')[0]; var socialLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.social-link'); var currentTitle = document.title; socialLinks.forEach(function(link) { var currentHref = link.getAttribute('href'); var newHref = currentHref.replace('page.url',encodeURIComponent(strippedURL)).replace('page-name', encodeURIComponent(currentTitle)); link.setAttribute('href',newHref); }); </script> Please note, there is no comments in this code because we get linting errors when you comment inline JS. So high level explanation of this code: The handlebars component generates a Social Sharing widget for Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter (x), Reddit, email and access to the old RSS feeds from classic (this last part is a workaround as aurora doesn't currently have native rss). The Javascript takes the current page url (window.location.href) splits off any parameters then finds all elements in the html with the class social-link, iterates through them and does a find and replace on page.url for the url of the current page. It then does the same but for document. Title. A better solution for this would be if their was a {{page.context.view_href}} and {{page.context.title} which would reduce the risk of user manipulated urls Re: Handlebars Context Objects I could do the same with Javascript but it would be more secure if I could get it from within the SDK layer Re: Handlebars Context Objects Thanks unfortunately classic context objects don't work in aurora. Handlebars Context Objects Hi all, Just trying to see if anyone else has hit this or if its 'my head is mince syndrome'. I am trying to create a social sharing component but when is use {{page.url}} I am only getting the base url for the community. What I really want is the current page URL. I have tried every which way of the page. Context object but can't get it to spit out the current page URL. Re: SDK Preview mode doesn't seem to be working? when you run the preview, we have found its almost always better to have stage on stage-main but you can run whatever branch you like locally. The only time it becomes a problem is when you're doing more advanced customization and you either need the assets for a component uploaded so graphics from the component load properly or for page scripts (which must be in stage-main. For the SDK you have to save the change, or it won't update the remote file. I have never seen it take an unsaved change (in my whooping 3-month experience lol). Only other caution would give is watch out for changes in main itself (i.e. someone does a change in production via page builder. If you don't suck that back from main to stage-main before you deploy stage-main you may wipe out their changes. Re: Aurora Analytics Metric Definitions New Vs Returning users shows a miximum of 90 days, not 30 can we correct this? Also why is that? Why can I not go back a year? Re: SDK Preview mode doesn't seem to be working? Hi Sydney, The SDK is definitely a learning curve, and I am still learning! We moved to aurora only 3 weeks ago, and until 24.09 we had real problems getting the SDK to work on Windows machines. Are you using Windows? are you running the SDK in VsCode or another editor or just the command line? Now assuming you're trying to edit a HTML component, your folder will have in it at least two files: in this example I will use a "More Resources" Component we have. -->res-->components-->More_Resources files are: More_Resources.component.json More_Resources.html The JSON file contains: { "id" : "More_Resources", "markupLanguage" : "HTML", "defaults" : { "config" : { "applicablePages" : [ ], "dynamicByCoreNode" : false, "description" : "", "fetchedContent" : null }, "props" : [ ] }, "components" : [ { "id" : "custom.widget.More_Resources" } ], "grouping" : "TEXTHTML", "aboutThis" : null } and the html file contains plain simple html for this example lets say it contains: <h3>Test Widget</h3> Now if you change h3 to h2 for example and you want to preview it on stage then do the following: 1. Check the active branch on stage is stage-main - most of the time you don't need to change this. 2. in your SDK look for the file called .env.local in there you will have two values (you may have more but you only need these two): LIA_URL=<insert the Top Level Domain to your staging environment> SDK_KEY=<the key generated from the Dev tools section of admin> 3. Now you have that setup open the html file and change h3 to h2 and save 4. from your command prompt run npm i (or npm ci if you encounter issues) this will rebuild your local environment 5. Now run NPM run start > @o365/plugin@1.0.0 start > npm explore khoros-aurora-sdk -- npm run start > khoros-aurora-sdk@24.10.0 start > node ./scripts/pluginPreviewCli.js [15:42:43.472] INFO (cli/19512): Using config values: {"LIA_URL":"YOURTLDWILLBEHERE","SDK_KEY":"<YOURKEYWILLBEHERE"} [15:42:45.107] INFO (cli/19512): The SDK key is valid. [15:42:45.107] INFO (versionCheck/19512): The current SDK version: 24.10.0 [15:42:45.911] INFO (versionCheck/19512): The community SDK version: 24.10.0 [15:42:45.912] INFO (PluginPreview/19512): Using plugin repo path: C:\Users\v-allens\Documents\o365 [15:42:45.914] INFO (PluginPreview/19512): Synchronizing plugin assets... [15:42:45.921] INFO (PluginPreview/19512): Using git branch: stage-main-repair <- this is your branch you are working on. What happens next will depend on what's in your plugin but once its complete you see the message: [15:44:10.378] INFO (PluginPreview/19512): Watching for plugin repo changes Once you see that if you go to the page where this quilt lives you will see the change you made. if you decide Nae.. Lets change it from saying "Test" to "Lets see what more words look like" then open the html file and change the text per the above and click save. If you look at your command line it will says "Successfully updated component More_Resources" and then when you refresh the browser it should show you the updated text. Apologies if you knew most of that, I just wanted to be complete. Re: About Aurora tags Why are tags all uppercase, we use some tags that need to match our brand styles Re: Khoros Communities: Aurora 24.07 Release Notes LauraV Why would a community language appear for communities that do not have localized communities? surely the community language is thus what ever we set it to.. Iza confused! Re: Khoros Communities: Aurora 24.07 Release Notes LarryIThanks do please keep it under review. encemil- Yeah we do something similar, but that only works for our team - we have over 40K employees in our community some of whom we give delete access to and some of whom routinely forget not to delete stuff unless its absolutely essential!