ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 14.6 Release Notes Any addition to LSI is always wecomed :) Re: 14.3 Release Notes Cool update thanks Re: Lithium Community Mobile v2 Release So initailly jusr English, Spanish, French, Italian and Geman are supported but there is any ETA for other languages like Russian, Dutch or Polish? Re: 14.2 Release Notes Anyone knows which persmissions have to be assigned for having access to the Spam Quarantine? Looking forward to see the new text editor enhancements :) Re: Unique Visitors via APIThanks a lot for your response Yuri. I think we'll go for recent threads within the board then and hopefully we'll be able to get visitors in the near future. Regards Unique Visitors via API Hi, We're redesigning our forum/community and we're creating a curated area where we'll feature the “hottest” boards of the day. Within that area we wanted to include the number of visitors that those feature boards receive in order to attract other users into them. So basically, we'd like to extract the number of unique visitors who have visited a specific board in a X time period. Is there any way to do that suing Lithium APIs? Thank you Re: Recent Threads Thanks Alex, Being able to add granularity to this calls would be great. Regards Recent Threads Hi, Via this Rest API we can get the recent threads on the community but can someone tell me what parametres Lithium uses to define what is a recent thread? Are the threads which have a messsage posted in the last X minutes/housr? if so, how can i change the value of that X? Thanks Solved