ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsHow to change Post Page text keys based on the content type (eg, blog, forum, tkb) of that Post Page Hello guys. I have a requirement where I need to change a specific text key on the Post Pages based on the content type (e.g., blog, forum, TKB) that the user will be creating by clicking on the "Create" button from any content type board. For example for a blog Post Page the button should say "Start a Blog". SC- 1. Is there any way it can be achieved by suffixing the text key with any already used parameter? I know for quilts we can use e.g. - @page:TkbPage as a suffix and it overrides the text key on that page. But as the post page uses the same quilt I want to know if there are any separate parameters for differentiating between them. 2. If I have to use freemarker then how can I use coreNode.nodeType for getting it's parent node and type or any other default parameter for achieving this? 3. If it is achievable by using JavaScript then what steps should be followed and would it be a good approach? Please let me know. Thanks in advance. Adding bookmarks link to user navigation dropdown. Hello team. I have a requirement where we need to add the Bookmarks option community-wide to the user navigation dropdown so that it can be made more accessible to the user. Currently, we have achieved this functionality by using JS by appending an element with the URL in it but I wish to know if there is an OOB way to add the Bookmarks option in the user navigation dropdown. I checked it is an OOB component which is being used there for rendering the list so is there any setting through which we can add the desired option? Attaching the SC of the desired location as a reference. Please let me know if there is a way. Thanks in advance. Automatically loading of user's "@" handle in the reply box when the Reply button is clicked. Hi. I have a query regarding @Mentions. When we click on the Reply button on any content page is there any way to automatically populate the OOB reply box with the @ handle of the user to whom we are replying? For example here - The current functionality is that we have to type '@' and then the suggestion for that username comes up. Can this be automated or if a button be added to the above options which if clicked will add the mention directly in the box? 1. I would like to know if I can achieve this by customizing an already existing Admin setting in the community, or if an admin setting can be added for it. 2. Or doing something like that will require a customization of the OOB reply box component or functionality. 3. If it is achievable by changing the OOB functionality then what steps should be followed and would it be a good approach? Please let me know. Thanks in advance. Receiving URL too long from V1 call Hey all. I'm trying to save some value in metadata through V1 call and if the data which I'm trying to set is too big I'm receiving an Error as "URL too long". I'm trying to achieve this in an endpoint using freemarker. Is there any way to resolve this so that I can set the metadata through V1 call? Thanks in advance. Re: Decoding a value using freemarker in a component or endpoint. Hello AdamN this SSO ID is coming in a JSON as a property value from a GET Response when I'm trying to get the user details for a particular Webhook event. <#assign msg_response = http.client.request("${Url}").header("Authorization","Basic ${base64}").header("Accept","application/json").header("Content-Type","application/json").get()/> The above code gets me the response and in there that's how it comes - "issuer_earner_id":"" But the strange thing is when I'm printing the same response in a component then it prints "issuer_earner_id": "" properly and even if I want to get it out separately in a variable it is possible for me to do that, but only in a component not in an endpoint though. While printing the response why this character "@" is printing as "@" in the endpoint but not in the component? Also if I'm making the GET call in the console I'm able to get the value properly. And yes, to replace the @, that is the current option we have as we have tried almost everything to encode it somehow to get the desired result but nothing worked. But our functionality can break if there is any other special character which comes as HTML escaped so we were hoping for an all-around solution. Decoding a value using freemarker in a component or endpoint. Hey all. From a response, I am getting a property (sso_id) whose value is coming encoded ( is coming as which is causing some real problems if I want to validate that if this sso_id exists either through V1 or V2 call because even if I'm trying to use utils.base64.encode(sso_id) or utils.base64.decode(sso_id) for encoding and decoding and then passing the sso_id into V1 or V2 calls it still gets encoded and I'm not able to validate. The case is the same if I try to achieve it in a component or an endpoint. If there any other way to do this then please let me know. Thanks in advance. Re: http.request to retrieve JSON Object in endpoint Hello DougS . Sorry for bothering you with my last reply. The code which you provided on Monday seems to be working. I figured it out on Friday after posting my above comment. The statement <#assign requestBodyObj = utils.json.fromJson(requestBody) /> was not working for me initially because of God knows what reason but when I tried again it worked and I got to know why it is crucial for my requirement as it is converting JSON string to a freemarker hash. The error was in my endpoint code in line no.4 <#assign updateProfile = restadmin('/users/sso_id/id/settings/name/profile.cert_info/set?value=L1 ${}') /> where I have given space between the text "L1" and ${} because of which nothing was getting set in my metadata. Removing that resolved that error. Your answers and suggestions have been very helpful. Thank you. Re: http.request to retrieve JSON Object in endpoint Hi DougS. With the code that you provided, we figured out that when the webhook is sent to our endpoint, initial if condition and the second line to get the request body is working, but this statement in your code <#assign requestBodyObj = utils.json.fromJson(requestBody) /> doesn't seem to be working and after putting the check for if the body has_content we got to know that in the POST request something is coming to our endpoint but when I'm trying to get it in the restadmin call, nothing seems to set in my metadata where I'm trying to set the request body or any value in the object which comes in the body. I read in this article that requestBody: The entire body of the request, read as a UTF8-encoded string and based on this when I'm getting the request body in my variable I also tried putting ?('utf-8') but that also didn't help. Is there something that I'm missing? Below is my endpoint code - <#attempt> <#assign alpha = http.request.body?trim?('utf-8') /> <#if alpha?? && alpha?has_content && alpha?is_string > <#assign alpha = alpha?eval /> <#assign updateProfile = restadmin('/users/sso_id/id/settings/name/profile.cert_info/set?value=L1 ${}') /> <#elseif alpha?? && alpha?has_content && alpha?is_hash > <#assign updateProfile = restadmin('/users/sso_id/id/settings/name/profile.cert_info/set?value=L2') /> <#else> <#assign updateProfile = restadmin('/users/sso_id/id/settings/name/profile.cert_info/set?value=L3') /> </#if> <#recover> <#assign updateProfile = restadmin('/users/sso_id/id/settings/name/profile.cert_info/set?value=LEVEL4') /> </#attempt> Also for an example, in the webhook documentation from where we are calling our endpoint, something like this is what we are supposed to get in the request body - { "id": "628fcaa9-cfd3-4a9b-aa62-9973ac938ad6", "organization_id": "a0d325d9-d8cb-466f-b515-c767949f7e9a", "event_type": "badge.created", "occurred_at": "2014-04-01T14:41:00Z" } Re: http.request to retrieve JSON Object in endpoint Hey DougS . Thanks for replying. I tried what you have mentioned above and that doesn't seem to be working when I am sending a webhook to my endpoint where I'm trying to get the request body. I basically just wrote your above-mentioned code and then I'm taking the requestBodyObj and putting it in a restadmin call as a variable to update a metadata field but nothing is getting set over there. Is there a different way to do that with your given code? Re: http.request to retrieve JSON Object in endpoint Hey DougS , Is there any update regarding what you have mentioned in your comment because I couldn't find anything related to "get request body in the endpoint" in the current 19.4 and 19.5 release notes. I am also stuck with the same issue mentioned above about how to get payload of a Webhook's POST request in an endpoint. If you can provide any update on this then it will be really helpful. Thanks in advance.