ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Idea Portal Question - Best Practice Blog Hi Toby, Good question, I think what you listed are potential options. You could use the Announcement component at the top of the page, but we already all know members don't read! We used the TKB to create the guidelines and then used a right-rail CCB to create some copy to highlight the Idea Exchange Guidelines. I also used a CCB on the top of the page to highlight any changes I've made to the area. Re: Khoros ideas and Salesforce I second and third whatlolagoetzhas mentioned. We need this, badly. Re: Khoros ideas and Salesforce This is related, but unrelated. I'm working on a very similar thing, but I'm trying to get Idea Exchange data pushed into jira tickets, as that is where our PMs spend most of their time. We haven't done a technical exploration yet, but I was assured it was possible after a brief chat with my CSM. Re: Driving Growth in Community with Banners & Content Gates Hiphoneboyawesome writeup. We've thought about gatekeeping some content to also increase registrations, but have those fears of the experience being not good. Since gatekeeping certain content, have you been getting any backlash from people? Is it really worth the gatekeeping to get them to sign up if they still don't come back? What is your goal with having more signups? Having more marketable members? Re: Khoros Communities 22.12 Release I contacted support about the text key issue and they decided to pause our prod rollout. Not sure if that happened to anyone else. Re: Khoros Communities 22.12 Release CarolineS--same, I just submitted a support ticket. I don't feel like changing text keys today Re: How do you manage "feature versions"? I tend to update as I see them. I was poking around in stage a few weeks ago and noticed that the base and hermes theme got an update. I had no idea these got updated, and there are no notes on those, so I had to contact support. Anyway, generally, I read what's new about whatever feature got the update and if it looks like something I want to try/test, I'll turn it on on stage and do some simple UAT testing. We haven't really had any issues with pushing new features out, so things go pretty smoothly. Re: Anyone else with an increase in Subscription unsubscribe clicks in recent months? HiMarkSchwanke, What nodes/where are you able to view subscription data? The only place I've seen it was Group Hubs? Am I missing a place? Re: [clickbait] I can't recommend Khoros anymore. Similar boat here. For us, it's the amount of time it takes to get ANYTHING DONE. I work with some lovely people as well and I know they do good work, but the processes behind working with PS. MY god. It's slower than molasses. We've been talking about migrating to hermes since the end of last year. Here we are nearly halfway through April and we have almost nothing to show for it. Re: How does your community team pass on tribal knowledge? This is a great question. While it's not fully comprehensive, we have an internal Wiki created that helps different teams including our own navigate some of the functions that different teammates perform on any given day. We have one specific to day-to-day general Community Manager Operational Activities. Given there is so much nuance in our jobs, not every single thing is documented for us, but I am a big fan of taking notes and trying to document these things. I won't always be available or around to help the next person who steps into my role. For us, a lot of stuff is changing, so perhaps once things settle down post a huge new community launch, we'll be able to reimagine what this looks like and try and tackle it.