ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Bring back Khoros search Unless this is a pilot project for replacing the underlying search mechanism (Elasticsearch?) for us all, I feel like it's an odd thing for a vendor to abandon their own product's search platform in favor of another one. At the same time, I understand why Khoros would do it. It's the same reason we, as customers, would want to bring in other results to our own community's search experience. Re: Link preview in Teams shows blank image I think I fixed this in Studio -> Community Style -> /skin -> Page Head Top Content by adding meta info for the Twitter card and image. It just displays our Community logo. <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="${asset.get("/html/assets/company-community-logo.png")}" /> <meta property="og:image" content="${asset.get("/html/assets/company-community-logo.png")}" /> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Company Community Logo" /> I'll look again, but this should at least get something to display for you. Re: Khoros Communities 24.2 Release Is anyone else missing the Spam Quarantine link on the community dashboard? Even browsing to the page's URL redirects me back to the homepage. /t5/spam/searchpage It appears and works as expected in our staging environment. Wondering if it happened in the 24.2 upgrade last week and I'm just noticing after some time off. Either way, I've opened a support ticket. EDIT: It turns out moderation was disabled in our community, somehow? I've asked when and how that happened. EDIT 2: They're seeing this across multiple communities. Check yours and open a ticket to report it. Re: Can We Truncate Subscription Email Post Body? We tried this a few years back and eventually gave up because none of the functions we were expecting to be available to us would work. Re: Lab / Idea / Unconference Meetup? I thought I replied to this one already, but nope - I just subscribed. 😆 Anyway - yes please! Re: "1" was searched 1,755 + 501 times one day in August? I've had something similar in the past, but most recently on these two days in September. Searches for "20." I assume it's just some bot and since it went away, I didn't chase it down. Re: Community Aurora 23.12 Release Notes Looks like a good update! The auto-formatting gave me a chuckle 😆 Re: URL Redirects Here's an example: Takes you here: Re: URL Redirects Yep. Khoros refers to this type of redirect as a "vanity URL" and support will need to create them for you. It's not as easy as a self-service option, but it's also not difficult. Re: Khoros Community Classic 23.9 Release Notes Hi VedanthY, We were talking about videos on some platforms (like YouTube) being processed automatically for subtitles/captions so that the video content itself can be searchable. The Closed Caption files would be a good way to make that possible on this platform.