Communities 2021: Mid-year Update
As we finish the first half of the year and enter the second, let’s review where we are and also take a sneak peek into some exciting things on the anvil. With new ways to drive user engagement, more efficient ways of community management, advanced analytics and a completely re-imagined community experience, this is an exciting time for Khoros Communities. Let's dive in!7.6KViews42likes8CommentsCommunity vs. Social Network
Since 2008, “social media” has become a heavily-used buzz word in the corporate world. The question is “what is social media?” Many seem to equate social media to Facebook-liked social networking sites; others seem to think that they are blogs, the Twitter family of applications for micro-blogging, Flickr, YouTube, or similar type of content sharing Web 2.0 applications. Yet, answers to this question may still range from social collaboration sites (like Wikipedia, Delicious, or Digg) to online communities (like those we host for our enterprise clients or Yahoo! Answer). Well, they are all correct to some extent, and these are functional classifications of social media. Author and blogger Brian Solis, introduced another classification of social media, based on the types of conversation. He called it the conversation prism. However, if you want to understand social media from a relational and social anthropological perspective, you will find that there are really only two major types of social media:245KViews38likes44CommentsKhoros Communities 21.1 Release Notes
Khoros wishes you a happy and healthy new year. Also, a heartfelt thank you to all of our amazing customers for your support over the past year. We begin this year with GA releases for Content Workflow for Blogs and TKB discussion styles, Multi-Factor Authentication, Events Analytics, Billing Metrics, and the APIs for Content workflow. We’ve also enhanced the Spam management experience.2.3KViews31likes21Comments15.9 Release Notes
The 15.9 Release introduces the new Lithium Responsive platform. Lithium Responsive optimizes your community for a wide range of devices from mobile phones to tablets to desktop monitors. The 15.9 release also includes several other productivity and search optimization improvements.2KViews24likes21CommentsIntrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards (and Their Differences from Motivations)
Last time I discussed motivation and the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Now we can go one step further to talk about rewards and the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Although motivation and rewards are both very critical to the design and implementation of gamification strategies, few gamification practitioners can articulate the subtle differences between intrinsic motivations vs. intrinsic rewards. Some even treat these distinctive concepts synonymously, which is ridiculously wrong. Since this post builds on the concepts introduced in my last post, if you haven’t read it yet, please take a few minutes to do so. It is critical to understand the fundamental concepts around motivation before jumping into today’s discussion. Review it here: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation.508KViews24likes11CommentsKhoros Communities 20.5 Release Notes
Hello from Khoros Communities. We're still here and we're glad you are too. We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Community 20.5 might look like a light release, but we have one big update that affects the single most used feature for nearly every customer - the GA of Inline Replies and Threading for Forums! In addition, our teams are working on exciting features currently in development and beta. There are also some nice additions to the Developer Experience. We've added support for batched and JSON-based requests to Community API v2, and we've added details about Studio endpoint customizations in Toolbox.1.7KViews21likes21CommentsKhoros Communities 20.3 Release Notes
Community 20.3 brings the General Availability (GA) of Community Syndication Message List and Content Archive, as well as finalized APIs for managing group hubs and group hub memberships, and improved the Custom Tags API. In addition we addressed open issues with Salesforce Connector 4.2 and delivered Product Association analytics, and made more search enhancements.2.7KViews21likes38Comments