Atlas Suggestions Guidelines
We want this to be the best community it can possibly be. So let us know what you think, or how we can help improve your experience on Atlas, by sharing your ideas on the Atlas Suggestions idea board. We also encourage you to share any issues or potential bugs you spot on Atlas in in our idea exchange. We actively monitor this area for new suggestions and feedback. Before you get started, make sure you review the following information. Submitting Ideas Search for an existing Idea in the Idea Board Before creating a post, type a few key search terms in the search bar and look for similar posts. If you see an idea similar to your own, simply visit the post, give it a Like to indicate your support for the idea, and add any additional conversation or comments to the topic. (If you submit an idea that already exists, we will simply merge the ideas to ensure that conversations are richer.) Draft your new idea and submit it The more we know about your idea – who it’s for, the motivation behind it, and what the concept is - the more accurate we’ll be when it comes time to prioritize and size it. Be sure to include the following if possible: The Role: What type of user is the feature for? The Outcome: What is the problem that you are trying to solve or the outcome the user is hoping to accomplish? The Benefit: What is the overall value and importance of the feature? The Context: Any additional information like screenshots or examples from other products is always helpful Subscribe to idea boards and engage with other ideas You can subscribe to an Idea Exchange or even specific labels to be notified of new activity. Simply select the grey bell icon at the top right of the page under the navigation bar, and you’ll be notified of updates. Hint: Check your notification settings to ensure that you are notified when activity happens on ideas you care about. Status Definitions Below you will find a summary of what each status means. New Suggestion Brand new suggestions submitted by you and ready to be voted on. Suggestions can include recommendations for new features, areas, issues you noticed in the community, and more. Investigating Our team has seen the idea and is currently investigating the idea. An idea might remain in this status for several weeks depending on its complexity. Needs Info We need more information from the author around this idea, what/how/who will this benefit, or if you have an example for how this idea should or has been implemented. On the Roadmap Ideas will move from Investigating to On The Roadmap when they are actively being developed by our Community team. Declined While all ideas are appreciated and provide value, we are not able to deliver on all of them. Delivered The idea has been fully implemented on the community. Resolved If the suggestion was an issue or bug on Atlas, we will use this status to mark it as resolved.2.9KViews0likes0CommentsAtlas Community Guidelines
The mission of this online community is to provide a peer-to-peer and direct support channel for people cultivating enterprise communities on the Khoros platform. It is a central for education and thought leadership on best practices, where we also ideate with customers directly on how to improve and extend the product platform.14KViews32likes1CommentAbout Content permissions
You can adjust permissions related to content at the community, container (category & group), and board level. Some permissions are set to Deny by default while others are set to Grant by default. At the container level and the board level, permission defaults and role permissions are inherited from the parent level. In those cases, the Inherit button is displayed in green to indicate that the permission was set to Grant at the parent level or red to indicate that the permission was set to Deny at the parent level. As an admin, you can manage these permissions. To manage content-related permission defaults at the community level: Note: To manage this permission at a lower level, go to the [Place] Permissions page and edit the permission defaults for that level. To manage this permission for a particular role, go to the [Place] Permissions page at the desired level of the community and edit the permissions of the individual roles. Go to the Roles and Permissions page for the community. Beside Community Permissions Defaults, select Edit. Review permissions in the following areas: Blogs Content Events Ideas Knowledge Bases Select Deny or Grant as required. Unless you have specified different permissions for certain roles or levels below the community level (a category, group, or board), these selections affect all members of the community. Content permissions While Forum permissions are granted by the Content permissions, Blogs, Event Boards, Ideas boards, and Knowledge Bases have distinct permission sections for content type-specific tasks. The Content permissions are provided for general content access and tasks and relate to all content types. Follow the links in the table below to learn more about the tasks granted by these permissions. Permission Default Related permissions in content type sections Read discussions and content Grant Blogs: Read posts and Read comments Ideas: Read ideas and comments Reply to discussions and content Grant Blogs: Comment on posts Events: Comment on events Ideas: Comment on ideas Knowledge Bases: Comment on articles Start discussions and new content Grant Blogs: Start new posts Events: Post new events Ideas: Post new ideas Knowledge Bases: Create, edit, publish, and manage articles Edit own posts Deny Blogs: Edit own published posts Events: Edit own events Ideas: Manage ideas and comments Knowledge Bases: Edit own published articles Edit any post Deny Blogs: Edit any published post Events: Edit all events Ideas: Manage ideas and comments Knowledge Bases: Edit any published article Move content Deny Blogs: Manage any posts and Manage own posts Delete own post Deny Blogs: Manage own posts Events: Delete own events Knowledge Bases: Delete own articles Delete any post Deny Blogs: Manage any posts Events: Delete all events Ideas: Manage ideas and comments Upload file attachments Deny Embed external content Grant Use simple HTML in posts Grant Use advanced HTML in posts Deny Use full HTML in posts Deny Make content read only Deny Post read-only content Deny Bypass moderation Deny Blogs: Bypass comment moderation Events: Bypass comment moderation Ideas: Bypass moderation Knowledge Bases: Bypass comment moderation Related topics: About Aurora Community site structure About Aurora Content Types40Views0likes0CommentsAurora: Vote on ideas
You can vote on the ideas you like to recognize them and their authors. A higher number of votes on ideas may be one of the criteria to consider for their implementation. The net effect is that votes boost the value of the idea and enhance the reputation of its author. In search results, the Votes indicator beside the idea preview offers a quick way to see if the idea can be useful to the community. Note: Authors cannot vote on their own ideas. Members cannot vote on the ideas that have ideas statuses (Delivered) of Completed status set. If the Vote on Closed ideas option is turned off, members cannot vote on the ideas that have statuses (Declined or Already Exists) in the Closed status set. Learn more about ideas statuses. To vote on an idea, go to the idea and click Vote. The number beside Vote indicates the total number of members who voted on this idea. You can click the number to view the list of members. To remove your vote, click the same button, which has changed to Voted.Aurora: Submit an idea
From an Ideas board, members with the Post new ideas permission can submit an idea. Anonymous users must register to the community to suggest ideas. To submit an idea: 10 STEPS 1. From the Ideas board, click Suggest an Idea. 2. Enter a Title. 3. Describe your idea. 4. Use the editor tools to modify the look and feel of your content. 5. Optionally, click Attachments to attach a file to the discussion. Click the information icon to know more about the supported formats, maximum file size, and maximum number of attachments. 6. Add tags to categorize your content to make it more findable. 7. In the SEO Content section, you can define search engine properties to attract more readers. 8. Click Publish. 9. Now, you have successfully submitted your idea. 10. That's it. You're done. Here's an interactive tutorial After you submit your idea, other members can vote or comment on it. By default, members who started or replied to the idea are auto-subscribed to the idea. Learn more about following content. Note: You can use markdown syntaxes while writing the content instead of formatting the text using toolbar options. Also, you can use other keyboard shortcuts to work quickly and efficiently. Learn more about keyboard shortcuts. Note: While submitting an idea, the content added is auto-saved in edit mode. Upon reloading the page, the content is auto-recovered. Admins and members who submit the idea can add or remove tags. Learn more about tags. Edit idea Members who submitted ideas and others with the Manage ideas and comments permission can edit ideas whenever they find that the content needs to be updated. To edit an idea: Go to the idea page you want to edit and click Settings > Edit. The idea opens in an editor. Update the content and click Publish. Manage published ideas Members with elevated permissions (admins and moderators) can perform a variety of content management tasks on the published content. These tasks include: Move the idea to another location on the community Update idea’s status Delete the idea Reject the idea as spam Authors and members with elevated permissions can block new replies to the idea. Most of these tasks are available from the Settings menu. Note: If you don’t see any of these menu options, you do not have the required permissions to perform these tasks. Related topics: Report inappropriate content Set ideas permissions Edit ideas settingsAurora: Update an idea’s status
After a member submits an idea, an admin can review it and change its status by providing the appropriate feedback in the comment section. Note that the status updates are visible to all members in the community. Learn more about idea statuses. Admins and members with the Change idea status permission can update ideas’ statuses. Learn more about ideas permissions. Let’s take an example where you want to update an idea status from “New” to “In Review.” To update an idea’s status: 8 STEPS 1. From the Ideas board, go to Settings and click Update Status. 2. The Update Status window opens. 3. From the Status drop-down menu, select In Review. 4. Optionally, enter your feedback related to the status update. 5. Optionally, you can attach images. 6. Click Update. 7. A comment has been added to the idea indicating that the status has been changed along with your appropriate feedback. 8. That's it. You're done. Here's an interactive tutorial Set Ideas permissions
You can set ideas-specific permissions to control who can read, submit, comment, and manage ideas. At the community, category, group, and board levels, community includes these ideas-specific permissions: Learn more about managing community permission defaults. At the Ideas board level, the community includes these ideas board-specific permissions: You can modify these permissions at various levels or assign permissions based on role. We recommend not altering these permissions unless you have a particular scenario where you want to modify the default permissions for specific members. Let’s take an example, where you want to deny the See ideas board permission for an Ideas board. This is granted by default at other community levels. In this scenario, the permission you set at Ideas board level overrides the default community permission. To modify a permission at specific community level: Sign in to the community as an Admin. Open the Account menu and click Settings. Go to the Community Structure page and click the Ideas board whose permissions you want to modify. Go to the Ideas Board Permissions and then click Edit next to the Ideas Permission Defaults. In the Boards section, set the See ideas board permission to Deny. Grant Ideas-specific permissions to a role Sign in to the community as an Admin. Open the Account menu and click Settings. Go to Users > Roles and Permissions. Click Edit next to the role you want to assign the permission. Scroll down to the Ideas section and set the permissions.Aurora: Edit Ideas board settings
You can configure various options specific to the Ideas board. When you create an Ideas board, the default options are set, and you can modify the settings as required. In Ideas Board Settings, you can edit the board information, configure ideas status settings, content features, and moderation settings. To configure Ideas board settings: Sign in to the community as an Admin. Open the Account menu and click Settings. Go to the Community Structure page and click the ideas board you want to edit. The Ideas Board Settings page is displayed. To edit the Ideas board information, click Edit Info. In the Status Settings, you can edit the following options: Turn on the Use Statuses option to track the ideas based on the status you define. Turn on Vote on Closed ideas to enable members to vote on ideas in the Closed status set (declined or already exist statuses). By default, this option is enabled in the community. Under Status Sets, create, edit, reorder or delete statuses as required. Learn more about Ideas statuses and status sets. In Content Features, you can edit the following options: In the File Attachments area, click Edit to adjust the file attachment extensions you want to allow in the community, the maximum file size for each upload, and the maximum number of attachments per post. In the Media section, turn on or turn off the Image uploads, Video uploads, and Embed external videos options. This option enables community members to include images and videos in their posts. In the Mentions, set the maximum member mentions per post. In the Tags area, you can enable community members to tag posts; choose whether to allow Preset tags, Freeform tags, or both; and enable the requirement that an author use at least one tag to publish content. Learn more about tag options. In the Display Settings, configure hiding nodes and content from lists, menus, and search. In Moderation, enable Spam management and set Content moderation defaults for the board.Aurora: About idea statuses
When working with ideas, statuses play a key role in organizing ideas and letting idea contributors know where an idea is in the approval and delivery process. Statuses communicate where an idea is in the workflow. By updating the status, your company publicly lets members know which ideas are being reviewed or are in the process of being implemented. The statuses you create depend on the purpose of the Ideas board. If you’re soliciting product ideas, for example, statuses should reflect a progression from new idea, through review, to eventual implementation, or to indicate that an idea has been declined. When an Ideas board is created, Khoros includes several statuses out-of-the-box. You can edit or delete these statuses and add new ones specific to your needs. You can create or edit statuses only at the Ideas board level. To provide better reporting and analytics, these statuses are grouped into various Status Sets. Each new Ideas board you create includes the following statuses: Status Set Statuses Description New Unspecified Idea has no status label visible to members. New Newly submitted idea awaiting team review. In Progress In Review Idea is being investigated and scoped by the team. Accepted Idea has been accepted by the team. On Hold Needs info More information is needed from the author of this idea. Future Consideration Idea has been not been immediately accepted by the team but is considered for future implementation. Completed Delivered Idea has been successfully completed and delivered to customers. Closed Declined Idea has been rejected by the team. Already Exists Similar idea has already been submitted or delivered. View Idea status sets and statuses From the Ideas Board Settings page, you can view the default idea statuses that are grouped into various Status Sets as shown below: You can drag and drop the statuses under required status sets or reorder them. This defines the order in which the statuses are displayed in the dropdown menus. Note: Only admins can view status sets, which cannot be created or deleted. Create a new status Sign in to the Community as an Admin. Open the Account menu and click Settings. Click Community Structure and go to the Ideas board where you want to create a status. The Ideas Board Settings page is displayed. Go to the Status Sets, and under the status set where you want to add a status, click Add Status. For example, under the In Progress status set, let’s add a status called “Planned." The Add Idea Status window opens. On the window, specify the following fields: Enter a Name for this status that members see in the Ideas board. Enter a status ID. Only alphanumeric characters, dashes, and hyphens are supported. This ID cannot be reused for other statuses. Optionally, enter the Description for this status. In the Visual Style, toggle on Show idea status label to have the label displayed members. If it is turned off, then only admin, moderators, and members with the Change idea status permission can view this label. Select the required label and label color you want to display. In the Preview, you can view the applied changes to the label. Click Add Status. The status has been successfully added. Set default status When a member submits an idea, the idea status is set to “New” by default. From the Ideas Board Settings page, you can change the default status to use when members submit ideas. To change the default status, go to the Ideas Board Settings page and click Set as Default next to the status. Edit status From the Ideas Board Settings page, you can edit the status to update any fields such as Name, Description, Idea Status Label, Label color, and so on. Note that you cannot edit the Status ID. To edit a status: Go to the Status Sets and click Edit next to the status. Update the required fields and click Save. Delete status From the Ideas Board Settings page, you can delete a status that’s no longer required. Note that you cannot delete the default status. To delete a status, go to the Status Sets and click Delete next to the status you want to delete.167Views0likes4CommentsAurora: Create an Ideas board
Ideas are a great way to collaborate with your customers and enable them to submit ideas and view, discuss, and vote on other people’s ideas. Admins and members with the Create boards permission can create an Ideas board from the Community Structure page. Learn more about Community site structure. To create an Ideas board: Sign in to the community as an Admin. Open the Account menu and click Settings. Go to the Community Structure page. At the community or category level where you want to add an Ideas board, click Add and then click Ideas. The Create Ideas Board window opens. On the window, specify the following fields: Enter a Name and ID. The ID displays in the URL for the board. Note: The ID must be a single word made of only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores with no spaces. You cannot change it later. Optionally, enter a Description and add an Avatar for the board. In the Tags area, specify the types of tags to use, add Preset tags, and/or indicate whether you want to require tags for the board. We recommend that you create preset tags that represent various areas in the community. Click Create. Learn more about the Ideas content type. After you create the Ideas board, you can edit board settings and set up idea statuses.