Email missing in the bulk api
Hi Team could you please help me on the below activity i am missing couple of columns in the bulk api how can we get it Registration Status Registration Start Date Registration Completion Date Last Sign-in time Email Solutions Authored Solutions Accepted23Views0likes0CommentsliqlAdmin in khoros aurora graphql API
Hi Folks, I want to add roles to the users using graphQL API given below. const ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION = gql` mutation addUsersToRole($roleKey: RoleKeyInput!, $users: [UserIdInput!]!) { addUsersToRole(roleKey: $roleKey, users: $users) { result { id name } } } `; const [addUserRole] = useMutation(ADD_USER_ROLE_MUTATION); addUserRole({ variables: { roleKey: { roleName: "role" }, users: [{ id: userId }] } }); The issue I am facing is that when this mutation is executed by an Admin user, the role is successfully added to the target user. However, when the same mutation is executed by a normal user, it fails to add the role due to permission denied errors. Is there a parameter or keyword that can be used in this mutation to allow a normal user to update their own roles or self-related data? For example, in Khoros Classic, we can use the liqlAdmin keyword in REST API requests to bypass such permissions. Is there an equivalent for GraphQL in Khoros Aurora? Thanks in Advance.Solved242Views0likes12CommentsHow to retrieve "Internal reason for ban" field
Hi all, We are looking to extract some data from the "User bans" report in the (Classic) Community Admin interface, under "Mod Tools" > "User bans". When we go click on "Edit" on a particular user, we see the field "Internal Reason for ban;" how can we get a full list of banned users including the reason for ban? Is that field available via API somehow? I wasn't able to find anything. Thanks for any help, LeeSolved65Views0likes2Commentslist of all users subscribed to all board
I am using the below api to find the users permitted to a particular board: https://[COMMUNITY DOMAIN]/restapi/vc/boards/id/<board ID>/subscribers/email/board But the problem with above api and my use case is that I want to view the list of all the boards and its permitted users in one request. Whereas, the above api is only allowing to look for only a single board at a time. Is there a way in which I can get the list of all the boards in a community and it's subscribed users in a single hit?170Views0likes2CommentsUsing LiQL or SQL on Aurora instead of GraphQL?
We had an LiQL query we were using for years to surface community posts on our help center, and following the move to Aurora we need to update this to GraphQL. However, the developers on that team would prefer SQL/LiQL as their system is not set up for GraphQL. Is it possible to still use LiQL or SQL queries while on Aurora?167Views1like10CommentsNot receiving user email addresses from search endpoint
I have a script that queries the search endpoint for information about Khoros users. The API call looks roughly like /api/2.0/search?q=SELECT id, email FROM users LIMIT 10 When developing this script against one Khoros installation, I found that the Khoros user associated with the API request needed to have several "User Management" permissions granted to it in order to receive email addresses via this API call. (In particular, granting "View user reports in Admin Metrics", "Manage roles, user bans, and abuse notifications in admin and user profiles", and "Manage roles in user profiles" seemed to be sufficient.) However, when running this script against a second Khoros installation, I am not receiving back any email addresses. Every single user returned has the empty string as their email address, and I've tried querying several hundred (all of whom should have emails). For instance, a response may look similar to the below (redacted) sample: { "status": "success", "message": "", "http_code": 200, "data": { "type": "users", "list_item_type": "user", "size": 10, "items": [ { "type": "user", "id": "1000000", "email": "" }, ...additional users removed for brevity... ], "next_cursor": "AbCdEf" }, "metadata": {} } I have double-checked the roles and permissions for the Khoros user I'm using for this API request. What's the best way to debug? What are some other reasons that I may not be receiving any email addresses?26Views0likes0CommentsUnable to retrieve users using v2 API
Unable to retrieve users from /api/2.0/search?q=SELECT * FROM users endpoint though it's returning 200 response. What could be the reason? Here is the response: { "status": "success", "message": "", "http_code": 200, "data": { "type": "users", "list_item_type": "user", "size": 0, "items": [] }, "metadata": {} }63Views0likes0CommentsOnline User Count is Completely Wrong
I'm trying to get an accurate count of online users and it's quite obvious the count is completely wrong just by looking at the results I'm encountering on my staging environment. The LIQL query used is fairly simple: SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE online_status='online' Given the number of people who access our staging server, I would expect the result of this to be a low single digit number. Instead, I got a result of over 30 users. So I dug into the API results: SELECT login,last_visit_time FROM users WHERE online_status='online' The results list users with last visit times from 2020 and 2021 as well as users from earlier in 2022 that I know for a fact aren't online. How is Khoros defining an "online user" here? Is the behavior I'm seeing a bug or expected behavior?592Views2likes9CommentsPossible? Display 30-day FRT on a Board Component?
Our Board Oversight teams would like a component on their boards that displays the First Response Time (FRT) average over the past 30 days. While I realize I can grab this in Community Analytics, and I also am comfortable around the API... I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to grabbing time-constrained data via the API Here's the board component with the line in question: <#if userHasApplicableRole> <#assign frt = [30_DAY_BOARD_FRT_AVG] /> <#-- this --> <div class="dc-boardwidget-FRT" title="FRT 30-day average"> <i class="fa-regular fa-reply-clock"></i> <span>${frt}</span> </div> </#if> Is this possible with the API? wkd-oliver213Views0likes3Comments