Case Portal: Bar across the top looks like a search bar
I'm on a roll w/ Case Portal feedback... (see Case Portal feedback: "Clear filters" button is poorly placed | Atlas ) - here's another UI oddity that got me today: The bar across the top, which just has the count of cases in it, really looks like it could be a search bar. I have found myself trying to type into it a few times. See screenshot.44Views2likes2CommentsCan't tell what is a link and what isn't
I keep getting confused on the Atlas home page feed - there are light grey items included in the feed that are links (username, timestamp of latest activity) and light grey things that conceivably could be links (node name, unread count) that aren't: Ideally all of these would be links. But if they can't be, can the styling at least be adjusted to distinguish between links and non-links?47Views4likes2CommentsMissing a value for a text key? "viewFullDiscussion" appearing for blog post comments
When taken to a specific reply in a comment thread on a blog post (as is done from notifications or email digests), such as: , I see a link to "viewFullDiscussion": I imagine this is supposed to be "View full discussion" This is fine on actual discussion threads; it says "View full discussion" as expected (example: ). However, on a blog post, there seems to be a missing value for the text key. (Apologies, not sure if this is a core Aurora bug or specific to Atlas... probably core Aurora?)17Views0likes1CommentHTACCESS alert and dev url on Documentation
Hi Khoros team, Below screenshot of the popup I see on Link URL exists: Portal: Reply textbox is way too short
The "Reply" textbox on case portal cases is SUPER short - it makes it very difficult to write more than a couple lines of text. You have to scroll up and down to see what you wrote. Could you please make it taller - or, at least, resizable?24Views1like2CommentsUnable to post due to invalid HTML, despite only using WYSIWYG editor
I used the WYSIWYG editor to add a link, then used the "globe" icon to show the raw link (instead of the auto-suggested title of the linked page). I also added an image. I was then unable to publish my content due to invalid HTML. See screenshot. FWIW - I love the "Show URL" feature - but it needs to work!58Views3likes3CommentsPlease honor my sort order preference
This may well be a core Aurora bug, but I figured there's no harm in filing it here (and I don't have access to any other Aurora instances at the moment :)) It doesn't seem that my "Default sort order" preference is honored. I'm one of the weirdos who likes to read an entire conversation in order, from oldest to newest. Seeing the newest comments at the top just confuses me. So, I have selected my default sort order to be "Oldest to newest" (right side of screenshot) Despite this, it seems that just about everything (everything?) sorts in "Newest" order (middle of screenshot) I'd expect the system to honor my individually-set preference over any other system-wide preferences.20Views0likes1CommentCase Portal feedback: "Clear filters" button is poorly placed
There's a lot of feedback I could provide about the Atlas Case Portal. But here's one small item that got me today: The "Clear filters" button is placed exactly where a "submit" or "search" button would be. I just entered a keyword and then (naturally, I think!) clicked the button below... which happens to clear all the filters and cancel what I just did. Not a great UI.24Views0likes2CommentsAtlas displays too large on mobile at first
When I first load Atlas on my phone, it's too wide. See screenshot below where you can't see my avatar nor the text on the right side of the screen. I can zoom out via a pinch motion, and then it's fine (screenshot below), but it's pretty annoying to have to do this. I'm on an iPhone 15 with iOS 17.7, using Chrome (but I believe it happens on Safari too)44Views0likes5Comments