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Release Notes & Updates

Community Classic 24.05

AshaC's avatar
Khoros Staff
9 months ago

Member Experience

Member Experience

Consent for third-party cookies usage in Events 

In Communities v23.10, we introduced an enhancement requiring users to explicitly consent for using cookies while uploading or viewing external videos in the posts.

In this release, we have extended this enhancement to the Events. Now, members must explicitly consent to the usage of cookies when they use external videos to host Events on the Community.

Below is an example of the consent banner on an events page:

Removed limits on number of recipients for Private messages

For communities in version 20.6 and later, messaging was limited to 10,000 users per message by default, with the option to configure this limit. With this release, we have removed these limitations altogether. You can now send messages to an unlimited number of users without any restrictions.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 4.0


  • Thanks for the update. Can you clarify if the 10,000 private message limit being removed means problems with mass group invites has also been resolved?  right now we can’t invite more than 10,000 people in a group without the invites being lost into a black hole.

    And can you also let us know if there is a theoretical limit?  Is it truly a fact that I can message 20 million people and it will work? (We’ve been told unlimited before only to find the 10k limits, so is there actually a filter limiting us to one million or anything like that?  We have a large community!)

  • Does this new unlimited messaging also unlock our ability to select lists of users vs adding a user one by one for private messaging/broadcast messaging? Similar to the classic community experience? 

  • LarryI's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    8 months ago

    Three_Stacey MorganBB StanGromer As soon as we can, we are going to test it and document exactly what happens. This is still on our radar, but I want to do the due diligence to provide accurate information!

  • LarryI For what it's worth, we confirmed we can't invite 100k+ to a group - It does give a generic error message though, so I am not sure this is expected behavior either?



  • LarryI Also confirmed it doesn't work for private messages either. We tried to send to a million folks, same exact error. I don't think it is actually working at all because of the error message, so we'll throw in a ticket. Not sure if this is considered a release item though if it never actually got released in a working way.