Glad everyone is excited about the redirect rules feature. More details on this feature are in the main docs.
Consolidating answers to some of the questions above.
- Will all existing redirects added by support be listed within Admin allowing us to edit them rather than adding another redirect?
No, additionally any previously defined redirect rules will override redirect rules created in the Admin console. You must open a Support ticket to have any previously defined rules removed before your Admin console redirects will be effective.
- Is there a search feature, i have thousands of redirects already active in the system, search would be super helpful, if not can we dump a list of all redirects from admin, i know support can provide this historically
No, this is not available via the Admin screen. You can open a Support ticket to get this list.
- Can the FROM and TO points be any page in community?
Yes, any page on your community
- Does it have any rules in place to protect against numptys, obviously i'll only be grating access to approved users but we all make mistakes, will it prevent creating loops or adding multiple redirects from the same place.
No, there is no logic to test this while creating the rules at this time. You might want to suggest this idea.
- Can we setup redirects that point outside of community, or only to another piece of community content or page within the community?
No, at this time redirects are limited to within the community.
Hope this helps.