Blog Post
4 years agoBoss
SohilM I'll be sending you a private message.
The closest configuration to what I want is:
Blog Articles:
- View all Drafts: Deny
- Don't want people to see everyone else's drafts.
- Start new articles: Grant
- Want them to be able to make blog articles in the intended forum board.
- Review Articles: Grant (Gives me the Publish/Post Button 🤔)
- If I change to Deny the Publish button disappears. People should just be able to view their own drafts. I don't want them to have the Submit for review button.
- Publish Articles: Grant
- So they can post their articles right away.
- Read Articles: Grant
- So they can read other people's blog articles
- Manage any article: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to do anything with any other member's article
- Manage own articles: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to modify other people's comments or delete their blog articles
- Edit my published blog posts: Grant
- They should be able to edit their posts to fix grammar errors
- Edit all published Posts: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to edit any one else's blog article posts
- Manage All comments: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to edit any comments on any blog article.
- Manage comments on own articles: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to edit any comments on their own article
- Approve, recall or reject comments: Deny
- They shouldn't be able to moderate comments in the blog board. Leave it to the moderators.
- Bypass comment moderation: Deny
- They are subject to all moderation based on community setting.
- Comment on articles: Grant
- They can comment on all articles in the blog board
- Read Comments: Grant
- They can read comments posted in the blog board without restriction.
The above settings are closest to what I need for my community based on Blog Version 3.1. Ideally the "Submit for Review" button is hidden on the post page and the edit article post page as we don't need anyone to have their blog approved in the members' blog board. I'm confused why the Review Articles permission makes the Publish/Post button appear and disappear?