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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Communities 22.5 Release

AshaC's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

22.5 is a minor release. As communicated earlier, minor releases contain defect fixes and minor enhancements. Minor releases are not made available in production by default. To request an on-demand upgrade, contact Support.




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Discontinuation of JDK 1.5 Support for SSO Client Libraries

Starting with this release, Khoros Community no longer supports JDK v1.5 support for SSO client libraries. From this release onwards, we will not release any JDK v1.5 compliant SSO client libraries. Any new capabilities added to the SSO client library will not be added to JDK v1.5 compliant library.

We continue to support the SSO client library for JDK  v1.6 and above.


Set Length of Message Preview for Private Messages

Previously, community admins did not have the option to set the number of the characters to display in a private message preview when the recipient has already read the message. 


With this release, you can now set the maximum number of the characters in the Length of message preview field under Admin > Features > Private Messages.


By default, the number of the characters displayed in a private message is 300.

You Found it! We Fixed it!

General Fixes

  • In community version 22.4, we added a feature identifier at the end of the ID returned in LiQL calls. This change caused custom implementations to break, as they were customized without expecting an identifier. This issue is fixed in this release and has also been backported to the 22.4 release.

  • Members without the Use full HTML in posts and signatures permission received an error when trying to use emojis in posts and replies. Also, upon re-submitting the post, they were blocked by the Post Flooding error messages. This issue is fixed. Now, users without this permission can post with emojis successfully.  

  • An issue where the community virus scanner got stuck while attaching files to posts is fixed.

  • Previously, the API call to delete the drafts of an article deleted the draft as well as the published version of the article. This issue is fixed. Now, the API call deletes only the drafts and not the published version of the article. 

  • Earlier, community admins were unable to edit an event if the time specified in the setting, “Time limit for users to edit their posts (minutes)” was passed. The issue is fixed. Now, community admins can view the Edit Event option even after the specified time is passed and edit the respective event.
  • Previously , users could bypass the HT Access prompt by modifying the HTTP header; doing so returned the community content without any validation. This issue is fixed. Now, members cannot modify the HTTP header and the community content is secured.

Accessibility Fixes

  • Previously, when someone went to the ‘Top Link’ in the community page using the tab key on the keyboard, and activated it, the focus was moved to the top but the screen reader focus remained on the link. The issue is fixed. Now, the screen reader focus shifts to the top on activating the ‘Top Link’.
Updated 8 months ago
Version 4.0


  • AshaC The update for deleting the draft of a message only says in the API, does this mean the UI will still delete the published article like it does today if you press delete on a draft?

  • AshaC's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    3 years ago

    allensmith81  The API will delete only the draft. The latest published version will not be deleted and becomes the active version.
    Bu in the UI, if you hit the 'Delete' button, the draft and the published version is deleted.

    cc: VedanthY 

  • AshaC   can i get the API call that deletes only the drafts and not the published version of the article.