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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Communities: Aurora v25.01 Release Notes

LauraV's avatar
Khoros Staff
2 months ago

Member Experience

Performance improvements

As an ongoing improvement to community performance, we optimized several general components across the application.

Community languages

Community pages and email notifications are now available in Danish, Latvian, and Romanian.

Refer to About Aurora community languages for more information and a full list of available languages.

Autosuggest @mentions

In this release, we've enhanced the @mention feature with autosuggestions. Now, you'll receive relevant suggestions for members, content, and places as you type, making content posting more convenient.

When you enter the @ symbol while creating a post, the suggestions are displayed in this order: 

  • Members: Participants from the conversation thread based on relevancy
  • Content: Content you created, by recency
  • Places: Places you follow

Below is a screenshot of a post with replies.

Admin Experience

Mention places setting

We have introduced a new setting and permission to enable members to mention Places in their posts.

Setting: Toggle on or off the Mention places in posts setting under Settings > Features > Content Features > Mentions according to your community’s needs. This setting is enabled by default.


Permission: Grant the Mention places permission under Settings > Users > Roles and Permissions. This permission is granted by default.

Third-party Analytics

Communities Analytics now supports the addition of third-party analytics providers through adding the ID for that particular provider. To integrate these tools, administrators do not need to understand or use GraphQL or Handlebars. At this time, you can connect with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, or Meta Pixel. You can continue adding other third-party analytics providers via Configurable Page Scripts in Developer Tools.

For more information about connecting to third-party analytics tools, refer to Add third-party analytics to your community.

For more information about locating the ID or analyzing your community from within these platforms, refer to:

Developer Experience

Default Autosuggest Mention GraphQL Support

In addition to enhancing the member experience, we also provide GraphQL support to retrieve the top closest members in any message or reply. With this response, you can add those members to your messages or reply to a conversation.

See Working with Default Autosuggest Mention for more information.

Endpoint Dependency Validation

In 25.01, we added validation to the build to ensure that only allowlisted dependencies that are already installed by Aurora are used for endpoints. This update ensures the integrity and smooth operation of endpoints.

Currently approved dependencies include:

Additional dependencies can be added to the allowlist through an Aurora release, and you can submit these dependencies for review through the Case Portal.

See Working with Endpoints for more information.

You Found It. We Fixed It.


  • The Featured content widget and Featured Places widget are now displayed in H3 format. Post titles in list view and card view for the Recent Content, Top Content, Ideas, Featured content, and Events widgets are now displayed in H4 format. Text for place names in Places widgets is now displayed in H4 format.


  • Members who do not have the Upload file attachments permission no longer see the attachment (paper clip) icon when replying to discussions.
  • When authors add multiple spoilers to content, the text is now displayed as expected instead of disappearing after publishing.
  • Community Events that have concluded now show a status of “Event Ended” as expected.
  • Mentions added on Communities: Classic no longer have formatting issues when upgraded to Aurora.


  • Private group invitations sent to members with email notifications turned off are now delivered to their Inbox.

Manage Content Dashboard

  • The Manage Content dashboard now loads appropriately when the date format is set to DD-MM-YYYY.
  • When filters are applied to retrieve abuse reports in the Manage Content dashboard, the results are now accurately displayed.

Member Experience

  • In reverse proxy communities, when you select the browser’s back button, the community now loads as expected instead of returning errors. 
  • When you attempt to publish an event, if any field contains an error, the focus automatically shifts to the top-most field with the error.

Developer Experience

  • The viewHref field for post authors doesn’t break the GraphQL API for anonymous users.
  • Members can now sort users based on acceptedSolutionCount without using the acceptedSolutionCount constraint. 
  • The GraphQL API now returns a valid response to the bodyType field in endpoint and endpoints object queries. 
  • An issue with server-side redirects where server response was occasionally interrupted, resulting in an error, has been resolved.
  • Using the graphqlAdmin query wrapper in a custom endpoint no longer returns an inactive user instead of the current user.
  • Endpoints no longer return an error on some queries when a token has expired and instead provide the appropriate response.
  • Deleting a widget now removes its associated text override key(s) in the text.en.json file.
Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0