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Release Notes & Updates

Lithium Community 19.2 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
7 years ago

New Features

New features in Editor v2 EA

The EA release of Editor v2 was announced in the 19.1 Release Notes. For the 19.2 release, we have added several improvements.

Preview mode

Editor v2 did away with the Text, HTML, and Preview tabs as part of the effort to clean-up and streamline the editor experience. For that release, the “preview” mode was removed. In 19.2, Preview mode is available again. To see a preview of how your article will look when published, click the Preview button below the article.

In Preview mode, the viewing pane displays the article as it will appear when published:

To return to editing mode, click Exit Preview.

Keyboard support for emoji picker

We’ve added keyboard support for the emoji picker in case you prefer to use your keyboard instead of a mouse when using the emoji picker. Specifically, you can now:

  • Click the Tab key to navigate across the categories and search bar. Clicking the Enter key after tabbing selects the highlighted category and displays emojis of in the category.
  • Use the keyboard arrow keys to move up, down, right and left through the emoji picker. Clicking the Enter key while navigating with the arrows, selects the highlighted emoji.
  • Scroll down the rows of emojis displayed in the picker, if there are additional rows below the last displayed row in the emoji picker.

Auto-suggest footer

When hovering over an emoji that is displayed in the autosuggest area, the footer displays the emoji name and image similar to the picker. (Skin tone options are not supported/displayed in this area.)

How do I get Editor v2 EA

Message Editor v2 is currently available as Early Access. Open a Support ticket to request access.

Note: Before upgrading to Editor v2, we recommend reviewing the all the new features and user interface changes that are included in Editor v2. You cannot pick and choose specific features; if you update to v2, you get all of these features and improvements.

Similarly, we recommend reviewing your current implementation to assess the impact of any customizations you’ve made.

Opt out of all push notifications

Community members can now opt out of all push notifications (email, mobile, and real-time) and receive notifications only in their Notification Feed.

Members can set this notification preference by selecting My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > Notification Settings > Turn off all notifications.

Administrators can disable all email push notifications in Community Admin > Users > Notification Defaults.

The Turn off all notifications setting is disabled by default.

Community email setting vs. the push notifications setting

With 19.2, there are now two, independent settings that control whether the community member receives community emails:

  • My Settings > Email > Don’t send me any community emails (the existing community emails setting)
  • My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > Notification Settings > Turn off all notifications (the new push notifications setting described above)

When either setting is checked, community emails are no longer sent to the member. Here’s the breakdown of how these two settings (which we plan to streamline in a future release) interact:

Email Setting

Push Notification Setting




All emails and notifications sent



Mobile and real-time push notifications sent



No emails or push notifications sent



No emails or push notifications sent


Performance enhancements to the Search Page

To improve performance on the Search Page, the Location filter now lazy loads when opened. The drop-down menu of the Location component renders immediately, but the contents of the drop-down menu are lazy-loaded upon opening the menu.

Users will see a spinner icon to indicate that the Location filter is loading.

Case Portal analytics in LSI

For customers who have already set up a Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration with their community and have activated the Case Portal feature, you can now view metrics pertaining to Case Portal usage in LSI.

The Case Portal enables your community users to:

  • Open Support Cases directly from the community.  
  • Correspond with Support agents on cases via threaded conversations in the community. Cases can be discussed in public and private areas of the community.
  • Access all of their open and resolved cases from a single, private community page, regardless of where that case originated.  

With these new metrics, you can better understand the traffic coming into your Case Portal pages.

Case Portal analytics in LSI is not enabled by default. To request Case Portal metrics to be enabled for your LSI instance, open a Support ticket.

Case Portal metrics include:

  • Page Views
  • Visitors
  • Unique Visitors
  • Community CRM clicks
  • Community knowledge article clicks (to measure the deflection rate)

To view Case Portal metrics for your community:

  1. Sign in to the community.
  2. Click Lithium Social Intelligence in the Community Dashboard.
  3. For Page Views, Visitors, and Unique Visitors data, go to Case Portal > Overview.

  4. (Optional) Click a time period in the metric header.
  5. (Optional) Click the pencil icon to filter the results by:
    • Country
    • Role
    • Rank
    • User ID
    • Device
    • Is Mobile App
    • SDK Client ID
  6. Hover over any metric bar to view more details.
  7. For community TKB and CRM click data, go to Case Portal > Content.

  8. (Optional) Click a time period in the metric header.
  9. (Optional) Click the pencil icon to filter the results by:
    • Country
    • Role
    • Rank
    • User ID
    • Device
    • Is Mobile App
    • SDK Client ID
  10. To see which articles users are clicking on most, click the App Type (TKB, Blogs, etc.)

Learn more about Lithium’s Case Portal

API changes

We have added an API to disable email push notifications for a user.

Make a PUT call to the Community API v2 /users/{user_id}/settings endpoint on the User object, passing the value of the profile.enable_notifications setting (true or false) in the request body.  

When false, the Turn off all notifications setting in the user's My Settings Page will be selected, and the user will not receive any type of notification except for the Notification Feed.

When true, the Turn off all notifications setting in the user's My Settings Page will be unselected, and the user will receive push notifications as well as notifications in the Notification Feed.

OAuth Example




curl -X PUT \
   https/[LITHIUM API DOMAIN]/community/2.0/[TENANT ID]/users/{user_id}/settings \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \
   -H 'client-id: [CLIENT ID]' \
   -d '{
           "data": {
               "type": "setting",
               "id": "profile.enable_notifications",
               "value": "true"




Session Key Authentication Example




curl -X PUT \
   https/[COMMUNITY DOMAIN]/api/2.0/users/{user_id}/settings \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -H 'li-api-session-key: [SESSION KEY]' \
   -d '{
           "data": {
               "type": "setting",
               "id": "profile.enable_notifications",
               "value": "true"




You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • We fixed the issue where some messages and boards were being duplicated when changing languages at the community level.
  • Previously, the My Groups component was running queries for anonymous users. This issue has been fixed, and these unneeded database queries are no longer run.
  • We have fixed the issue where editing posts that included strikethrough text threw the “Correct the highlighted errors and try again” error when trying to save your changes.
  • Previously, when a community sent a group private message to more than 1001 people, only the first 1001 people received the message. We have fixed this issue and now all people receive the group private message.
  • We have fixed the issue where adding/creating an iOS/Android App (app secret and key) in the Admin > System > API Apps screen threw an error.
  • We have fixed the issue where LSI was sending out duplicate scheduled report emails.
  • We have fixed the issue where an unexpected error is thrown when the SSO ID has different capitalization than the matching SSO ID.
  • The  API V2, the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE online_status = 'online' no longer provides duplicate results.
  • We have fixed the issue where the cookie banner prompt persists on custom pages, even after the banner has been acknowledged by the user.
  • We have fixed the issue where Notification feed notifications were not received when the post is moved from one forum to another. (Previously, only the Email notification for the post move was sent out.)
Updated 9 months ago
Version 4.0