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Tips on keeping stage and prod in alignment?
Hello developer friends! I am newer to GitHub, so please forgive me if I use the wrong terms here. :) I was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks on how to "roll back" stage changes to bring staging back in line with prod on a regular basis? I've searched for how to do this more broadly, but what I've found doesn't seem to align well with a situation like Khoros, where there are a few developer admins with GitHub access, but everyone else is making changes directly on the site UI. Essentially, I want to be able to "undo" any unnecessary changes on Stage from people testing or experimenting before say, a Khoros update, so that we can test the new version with the site mirroring Prod as closely as possible. Any advice is welcome - and thanks in advance! :)17Views0likes0CommentsGetting errror on trying to submit the plugin on dev environment
Getting the error: [UPLOAD_FAIL] The plugin was not uploaded. The plugin package file not found. On runnning 'li submit-plugin'/'li submit-plugin --force', on the dev env. The server config file looks good, has the correct URL, and the upload token. Also ran 'li package-plugin' --> created a plugin folder in the SDK; but still getting the same error. Is this a known issue? Any help would be appreciated.33Views0likes0CommentsAPI Auth in Postman
Hi, Im a bit of a newbie here and would love some help. I am trying to complete Auth in Postman and returning 400 bad request/Invalid request or page not found when trying to obtain the code. Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND {{base_community_url}} The URL is just the Community domain which is the same an the redirect URI. {{URL}}/api/2.0/auth/authorize?li_client_id={{Encoded client ID}}&redirect_uri={{Redirect URI not encoded}}&response_type=code or {{URL}}/api/2.0/auth/authorize?li_client_id={{Encoded client ID}}&redirect_uri={{Redirect URI not encoded}}&response_type=code&jwt={{SSO Toekn}} Thanks HannahHannah_B2 months agoContributor23Views0likes0CommentsNot receiving user email addresses from search endpoint
I have a script that queries the search endpoint for information about Khoros users. The API call looks roughly like /api/2.0/search?q=SELECT id, email FROM users LIMIT 10 When developing this script against one Khoros installation, I found that the Khoros user associated with the API request needed to have several "User Management" permissions granted to it in order to receive email addresses via this API call. (In particular, granting "View user reports in Admin Metrics", "Manage roles, user bans, and abuse notifications in admin and user profiles", and "Manage roles in user profiles" seemed to be sufficient.) However, when running this script against a second Khoros installation, I am not receiving back any email addresses. Every single user returned has the empty string as their email address, and I've tried querying several hundred (all of whom should have emails). For instance, a response may look similar to the below (redacted) sample: { "status": "success", "message": "", "http_code": 200, "data": { "type": "users", "list_item_type": "user", "size": 10, "items": [ { "type": "user", "id": "1000000", "email": "" }, ...additional users removed for brevity... ], "next_cursor": "AbCdEf" }, "metadata": {} } I have double-checked the roles and permissions for the Khoros user I'm using for this API request. What's the best way to debug? What are some other reasons that I may not be receiving any email addresses?22Views0likes0CommentsIncremental data for users data
I am trying to bring USERS data incrementally though GraphQL API. The only relevant date time filter/constraints we can use is registration date, but the problem is that if a user profile is updated, we won't be getting that in incremental data based on registration date. Can someone please help me with this ? Is there some other datetime filter or constraints we should use to get this data incrementally ? Here is my current USERS GraphQL query for reference: query MyQuery { users( last: 1000 constraints: {registrationTime: {gte: "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00", lte: "2024-10-01T00:00:00.000+00:00"}} ) { edges { node { id title firstName lastName email viewHref } } } } } Thanks, Aishwarya52Views0likes0CommentsUnable to retrieve users using v2 API
Unable to retrieve users from /api/2.0/search?q=SELECT * FROM users endpoint though it's returning 200 response. What could be the reason? Here is the response: { "status": "success", "message": "", "http_code": 200, "data": { "type": "users", "list_item_type": "user", "size": 0, "items": [] }, "metadata": {} }60Views0likes0CommentsFacing issue with createTkbArticle GraphQL mutation
Hi, I am using the client credentials to make a server to server GraphQL api call to create a tkb article in one of the tkb board. But I am getting the following Error, for which I see no discussion in the forum or docs. Even Google doesn't show any results. Errors: [ { "message": "Exception while fetching data (/createTkbArticle) : lithium.util.NullArgumentException: defaultErrorType", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createTkbArticle" ], "extensions": { "classification": "DataFetchingException" } } ] I am making the call from a node-express app, and just in case if it helps I am sharing the code snippet : const createTKBArticleMutation = ` mutation createTkbArticle($createInput: CreateTkbArticleInput!) { createTkbArticle(createInput: $createInput) { result { id } errors { __typename ... on NotValidPossibleValueError { message } ... on PermissionDeniedError { message } ... on InvalidHtmlError { message } ... on CustomFieldNotDefinedForEntityError { message } ... on RequiredCustomFieldNotSet { message } } } } `; const createTKBArticleVariables = { createInput: { subject: "Testing GraphQL TKB creation", body: "This article is created using GraphQL API, for testing the API itself.", // teaser: "This is a test teaser for the TKB article", // introduction: "This is a test introduction for the TKB article.", board: { id: "board:knowbler_tkb" } } }; const method = 'POST'; // const query = fetchTKBBoardsQuery; const query = createTKBArticleMutation; const options = { url: GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, method: method, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${creds.accessToken}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({ query: query, variables: createTKBArticleVariables }) }; const response = await axios(options);sanjay914224 months agoContributor32Views0likes0CommentsNot able to access V1 API's form reference index.
Not able to access V1 API's form reference index.