Forum Discussion

clemensw's avatar
7 years ago

add community stats below search-box

Dear Community,

we’d like to add some community stats (members count, online members, posts count) below the searchbar-box, as it is shown on the startpage.

  • Is there already a component for this available?
  • Can we customize the standard search component?
  • What is your recommendation?

Thank you,
best regards

3 Replies

  • clemensw - There is an OOB component available for this.  If your platform is responsive, you can include below component into your quilt. 

    <component id="quilt:Vitality"/>
  • clemensw's avatar
    7 years ago

    @TariqGrazitti - thank you for your reply!

    Are there any customization options for this component? When we use <component id="quilt:Vitality"/> we get a very big display. 

    How can we hide e.g. the icons? - just with css or are there any component options?

    best regards,