Forum Discussion

adsk_cmgrs's avatar
11 years ago

Blog Display



I'm fairly new to the space so please excuse my lack of knowledge. I'm trying to perform some basic updates to our community blog layout, specifically changing the alignment on the blog options dropdown so that it's left justified with the rest of the text, and alter the spacing (maybe through a horizontal break line) in between blog posts so they don't bleed together.


Any thoughts?



  • Hi,


    Here is two documents that could help you to design your community:

    Regarding your blog page, you should look at the message section (p33) of the Lithium customization guide.




  • You're going to need to have a look at how the page is structured (in terms of the HTML div tags etc) and identify a suitable CSS rule that will add the appropriate padding. You can probably work out what the padding should be by looking at the rules used for the blog articles.

    • adsk_cmgrs's avatar

      Thanks Nathan. Any specific text in the CSS that I would be looking for? The only thing that I could find that included blog articles was in relation to a latest blog articles widget... Possibility that it's missing completely, or am I just not looking for the right string of text?

      • nathan's avatar
        It's very hard to know without looking at the page in question. In most browsers you can use developer tools (press F12 to open) to find out what CSS rules are applied to a particular element. However, you may need to create a new rule to get the correct indentation.