Forum Discussion

kgroneman's avatar
7 years ago

Call to display ideas with a certain status

The issue:  On our idea exchanges, we're using the default "Recently Completed Ideas" widget, but we don't want to show ALL ideas marked completed.   We only want to display ideas that have the "Deli...
  • Jake_N's avatar
    7 years ago

    Hi kgroneman

    Correct me if I am wrong. After reading over your post a few times, I think you are asking that you want an API v1 or v2 query that can pull ideas that have statuses that may or may not be completed but have a different status key. 

    From that assumption you would be looking for something like the API v2 call below:


    SELECT * FROM messages WHERE IN('idea') AND depth=0 AND status.key='accepted'

    The conversation style can be written like above or'idea'.

    depth=0 means that only the idea (topic) itself is checked against the criteria.

    status.key='accepted' can be customised to the specific status key that you want to get. In your case, you would want to use something like the following:

    • status.key='delivered'
    • status.key='declined'
    • status.key='arichived'
    • status.key='agent'

    Unfortunately, you are unable to get multiple status keys at once. You can, however, may multiple calls using something like below:


    <#assign statuses = ['status1', 'status2', 'status3', 'status4', 'statusN'] >
    <#assign apiResults = [] >
    <#list statuses as status >
          <#assign apiQuery = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE'idea' AND depth=0 AND status.key='" + status + "'" >
          <#assign apiResults += rest('2.0','/search?q=' + (apiQuery)?url ) >


    Then if you would like to get the results with status.completed=true add the following code:

    <#assign filteredResults = [] >
    <#list apiResults as idea >
          <#if idea.status.completed >
                <#-- if status.completed == true -->
                <#assign filteredResults += idea >


    Relevant Links:
    API V2 - messages