Forum Discussion

adsk_cmgrs's avatar
11 years ago

Change the Accepted Solution Button Color

Hello everyone.   I know (or believe at least) that the button color styling for our community is buried somewhere in our CSS, just don't have the slightest idea where. Does anyone know if there is...
  • NicoB's avatar
    11 years ago

    No worries adsk_cmgrs 

    Everyone is a beginner at some point :)


    The CSS you should define should look something like this:


    #lia-content .lia-component-accepted-solutions-actions-mark-message-as-accepted-solution-secondary-button

     Note the "." before the long CSS class.

    You should use the "#" when you want to reference an element's ID (unique for the whole HTML page).

    When you want to change one or more elements sharing the same CSS class you can reference it with the "." 


    I hope this helps..



  • dementad's avatar
    11 years ago

    Have you looked at the element with a debugger to see where the CSS is coming from? Chrome has a nice built-in one. Just right click on the button and "Inspect element."