Forum Discussion

lradden's avatar
11 years ago

contact deflection form

Hi everyone - has anyone developed an experience where a customer begins submitting a question to a support form, and gets knowledge and/or community posts suggested to them based on what they are typing? I am looking for examples as well as some info on the effort involved to implement it. Is there anything "out of the box" to Lithium (like Active Cast widgets etc) that you used? Did you customize the search form component in some way?



  • Hi,


    I think what your after is the auto suggest feature that you can enable when posting any new threads on any board, ts auto suggests existing threads when typing and gives the user an option to deflect and use that question over posting their own questio. On the boards. 


    Is is this the type of thing you want if so you just need to enable it in admin. You can also use the q&a app or active cast widget which does the same thing put you can place this on your website or on the community home page to deflect further. 





    • lradden's avatar
      Thanks! This is the type of thing, but on a web page's contact us form that is separate from the community. Im not familiar with the Q&A or active cast widgets, but that sounds a bit more like what Im looking for.
      • Fellsteruk's avatar

        OK i understand now... 


        So you could use an active cast widget but i guess depending on what you want to achieve and ultimatly the core contact drivers for your business  you might need something a bit more complex and use of REST api giving you a better end result, take a look at my contact us form, this will take you to a pre-defined end point where you can see "deflection content" in the form of knowledge content and community links. 


        This is by no means the end result  for us but will give you an idea of what you could achieve. On each end point the help "knowledge" content is dynamic and speciffic to the contact reason. Today the form content is static and serve as a crude attempt to defect to the community however this space could and will be replace with an api call which will call community content as it loads based on the product selected in the inital steps. 


        For example, in my case if a customer selected an option for TV troubleshooting we would display content and maybe just accepted solutions we have areounf this topic. I'm not the most technical however this is actually relativly easy to achieve "so i am told" with api knowledge. 


        Hope this helps.