8 years agoBoss
Create a Poll Report?
There isn't an obvious method to create a poll report (e.g., CSV). Is there a workaround, besides manually copying the poll numbers to a spreadsheet and manually copying the questions and answers and so on?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
The workaround for this could be using REST API.
Using the first call, you can get the polls created on one board.
http://community.lithium.com/community-name/restapi/vc/boards/id/[id] /polls
Documentation: https://community.lithium.com/t5/Developer-Documentation/bd-p/dev-doc-portal?section=commv1&leaf-id=Board.polls#Board.polls
Using the second call you can get the details of the polls e.g votes, which user have voted etc.
http://community.lithium.com/community-name/restapi/vc/boards/id/[id] /polls/id/[poll_id]
Documentation: https://community.lithium.com/t5/Developer-Documentation/bd-p/dev-doc-portal?section=commv1&leaf-id=Board.polls#Board.polls