Custom Welcome New Member Widget and SSO
Would you happen to know if it is possible to remove abandoned users from our "welcome new members" and "registered users" widgets?
As you can see in this image, we are collecting users who are not "really registered" in this custom widget. The user below circled does is someone who got to the registration screen and abandoned it. See code for this custom content widget to see if there is anything I can tweak. What I am wanting is to not display them in this widget AND not count them in our "member statistics" that we have in our top have (similar to what Lithium does).
We have SSO so we understand these folks are people who abandoned regist. But we do not want them to show as "new members.". (these people are not showing in our "who is online" custom component).
Code for this widget:
<#assign users = restadmin("/users/registered?page_size=14").users /> <#if users.user?has_content> <div class="users-online-wrapper"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Please Welcome our Newest Community Members</h2> <#assign totalUsers = restadmin("/users/count").value /> <#assign totalUsersOnlineWithAnon = restadmin("/users/online/count").value?number /> <#assign totalUsersWithoutAnon = restadmin("/users/online") /> <#assign guestUsers = totalUsersOnlineWithAnon - (totalUsersWithoutAnon.users.user?size) /> <#assign totalMembersOnline = rest("/users/online/registered/count").value /> <#assign totalGuestsOnline = rest("/users/online/anonymous/count").value /> <ul class="user-online-list"> <#assign thisRow = 1> <#list users.user as onlineUser> <#assign avatar = rest(onlineUser.@href+"/profiles/avatar/size/message").image /> <li class="user-${thisRow}"> <a href="${onlineUser.@view_href}"><img src="${avatar.url}" title="${onlineUser.login}"><br /><span class="userlogin">${onlineUser.login}</span></a> </li> <#if thisRow == 7> <div class="clearboth"></div> </#if> <#assign thisRow = thisRow + 1> </#list> <div class="clearboth"></div> </ul> <a href="/t5/forums/usersonlinepage" class="more-link capsLock">View All Members Online</a> </div> </div> </#if>
This widget is also mistakeningly counting "members" who are abandoned:
and here is that code:
<div class="lia-component-community-statistics"> <div class="short-container"> <div class="short"> <div class="inner"> <p>MEMBERS</p> <#assign members_count = restadmin("/users/count").value?number /> <h2>${members_count?string(",##0")}</h2> </div> </div> <div class="short"> <div class="inner"> <p>ONLINE</p> <#assign online_count = restadmin("/users/online/registered/count").value?number /> <h2>${online_count?string(",##0")}</h2> </div> </div> <div class="short last"> <div class="inner"> <p>POSTS</p> <#assign posts_count = restadmin("/posts/count").value?number /> <h2>${posts_count?string(",##0")}</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearboth"></div> </div>
Thank you very much for any assistance. I very much want to learn this formally and plan to take some advanced studio training.
cc: cjdinger
Hi LainieH - yes they do, more information in the PDF I linked above. Kind Regards,