Developer account
- 4 years ago
StanGromer we've had a significant number of internal discussions on what we can / can't do and what we're willing to do with the current landscape, API structure, security in place, patents that we have / work towards (which many competitors do not have at the level we have). On the community side, we'll be reviewing what we have public vs semi-private once Aurora is launched and ready as there are adjustments made there.
At this juncture, we allow registrations on and do not require NDAs. We simply don't have it "unlocked" and publically scrapable in order to ensure that people accessing the documentation agree to the terms and conditions of said information.
averstraete , you're correct that at this point we do not offer 3rd party developers a test/development instance. The best / only option is for any customer that you work with to engage with us for a dev instance.