Do you ever add code to the Global Wrapper?
We are pulling out corporate header and some css -
it was placed in the Global skin wrapper AND the Desktop skin wrapper - am I safe in removing it from the Global (top level) skin wrapper? does anything ever need to be there?
Hi jeffshurtliff,
I'm following up here from the Support case to close the loop for others with the same issue.As mentioned in the ticket, we don't support the /users/id/{id}/sso_id/set endpoint using HTML methods, which is why our documentation doesn't mention it:
The only supported method is via Community Admin > Mod Tools > Edit Users:
This similar thread mentions using FreeMarker as a workaround:
However, the FreeMarker method isn't supported and may not work in the future.
Since you have to update hundreds of SSO IDs, I'm glad our Professional Services team is helping with the new SSO ID mapping!
Thank you for reaching out to us about this issue.
All the best,