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Natkinson's avatar
5 months ago

Error message when adding a query to handlebars component (Aurora)

I'm trying to follow the documentation on creating a custom handlebars component in Aurora and I'm running into a weird error that I can't figure out. I have added the component via a GraphQL mutation and it works fine with some basic HTML, but once I try to follow this doc: I'm running into some issues:

  1. There's no docs (at least not that I've found) that explain how to get the bearer token or where the file should be stored or how that works when using GraphQL to upload a GraphQL file to use in a component (see here: and I've been unable to figure out how to do this on my own. I've tried a few things with no success.
  2. If I try to follow the steps to add it manually, then I run into some strange errors. I'm running the SDK via VS code terminal which is working fine, but as soon as I follow the steps to add a "queries" folder and .graphql file to that folder within my component folder (e.g., components/myComponent/queries/myComponent.query.graphql) then I get an error in the VS Code terminal that says ""message": "The Content-Type header included with the request is not allowed (it should be either application/json or application/xml)."," and in my browser console when I try to load my custom component is: "Unable to fetch component to render for component id custom.widget.releaseTkbSidebar: Exception while fetching data (/component/render) : com.github.jknack.handlebars.HandlebarsException: releaseTkbSidebar:1:18: lithium.coreapi.components.ComponentTemplateApplyException: unable to apply template: releaseTkbSidebar: no query found matching the name 'releaseTkbSidebarQuery'.

Anyone know what's going on here? I've follow the dev docs and examples exactly (or as close as I can given that they've proven to be very inaccurate) and I'm out of things to test through trial and error.

Here's what I have in my .hbs file for my custom component: 

{{#gql "releaseTkbSidebarQuery"}}
  {{#with data.messages.edges as |edges|}}
    {{#each edges}}
      {{#with node as |message|}}

And here's what my .graphql query file looks like

query releaseTkbSidebarQuery {
  messages {
    edges {
      node {

My file structure looks like this

Any help would be very much appreciated!

5 Replies

  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    5 months ago

    What OS are you using? 

    As for the first question you had; you don't need to worry about bearer tokens or authentication with GraphQL calls in handlebars. They get run in the current users context (e.g. as the currently logged in user, or anonymous if the user isn't logged in)

  • Hi All,

    How can i pass the query variables in the handlebars syntax. below is my simple code and graphql query.

    Handlebars code:

    Graphql query:


     I want to fetch the data of a specific user by passing an ID from Handlebars to a GraphQL query.

    Could you please guide me on where I might be making mistakes, either in syntax or elsewhere?


    Thanks in advance!


  • Natkinson's avatar
    5 months ago

    Just updated my SDK to v 24.8.1 and still getting the same issues unfortunately

  • Natkinson's avatar
    5 months ago

    I double checked and ran the SDK install again and it's showing I'm on Node 18.20.4 and SDK v 24.4.4

  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    5 months ago

    Make sure you have updated to the latest SDK version. Some of those errors look like things from older versions of the SDK. In package.json, the SDK version should match your community version. 

    Once you change it, follow it up with a npm install. If you SDK is indeed that old, you may also need to switch from Node 16 to 18.