Forum Discussion

nickyates's avatar
12 years ago

Help, Ive lost my components!

I have created a custom blog page but in doing so i have deleted all of the existing compnents on the Blog page.  When i went to add the component, which allows a user to comment on a blog post (the comment box and submit comment button), back in, i couldnt see it in the list of components.  How would i go about adding this back to the blog page?


I understand that i can revert my changes using the version control built into Lithium but ideally do not want to do that as ive made lots of changes!



  • AdamN's avatar
    12 years ago

    Here's a snippet of the XML for the main-content section of the BlogArticlePage:

    	<add to="main-content">
    		<component id="menu-bar" />
    		<component id="article" />
    		<component id="article-navigator" />
    		<component id="comments" />
    		<component id="comment-article-navigator" />
    		<component id="comments-awaiting-moderation" />
    		<component id="comment-editor" />

    You should be able to go into the XML editor for that page in Studio and swap that section back in, or pick and choose the components you want to add back.

  • KaelaC's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Nick -


    Are you afraid of losing your component if you roll back? I would copy out the component to another editor then roll back to your last good state.  Once your blog page is back you can add the component again. 



    • nickyates's avatar

      Hi Kaela


      The two components would like to get back are highlighted in this image


      I understand that i can roll back to an earlier version but i have made lots of changes to my custom components  and ideally i dont want to copy them out and then copy them back in.  Is there a way which i can add these components back in once they have been removed as the dont appear to be in the components list on Studio -> page -> components.





      • AdamN's avatar
        Khoros Oracle

        Here's a snippet of the XML for the main-content section of the BlogArticlePage:

        	<add to="main-content">
        		<component id="menu-bar" />
        		<component id="article" />
        		<component id="article-navigator" />
        		<component id="comments" />
        		<component id="comment-article-navigator" />
        		<component id="comments-awaiting-moderation" />
        		<component id="comment-editor" />

        You should be able to go into the XML editor for that page in Studio and swap that section back in, or pick and choose the components you want to add back.