Forum Discussion

vbandaru's avatar
5 years ago

How Can we get messages using date range using POST method.

Here is an example that i am looking, but i am not able to use the below code as i am getting Json error at conversation.last_post_time because of hyphen '-' used in the value. If conversation.last_post_time value included in "202007-12T04:06:53-07:00" I am getting API error which i have specified below.

"messages": {
            "constraints": [
                {"conversation.last_post_time": { ">" : 202007-12T04:06:53-07:00 }},
                {"conversation.last_post_time": { "<" : 202007-13T04:06:53-07:00 }}
    "message""Unable to parse the required Content-Body from the request.",
    "data": {
        "developer_message""Unexpected character ('-' (code 45)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries",
    "metadata": {}
 "messages": {
            "constraints": [
                {"conversation.last_post_time": { ">" : "202007-12T04:06:53-07:00" }},
                {"conversation.last_post_time": { "<" : "202007-13T04:06:53-07:00" }}
API Error: 
    "message""Validation exception for conversation.last_post_time in WHERE clause: conversation.last_post_time > 202007-12T04:06:53-07:00",
    "data": {
        "developer_message""Call not supported: problem with constraint. Check the type of the value or the operator",
    "metadata": {}
Thanks in Advance

1 Reply

  • First of all,

    202007-12T04:06:53-07:00 is not a valid value. As it contains operations (+-) it will be considered as a expression. You need to make into a string for value.

    and however even if you use quotes to make into a string, khoros can't use it as time constraint. (this is issue with khoros)


    i created a similar post awaiting solution from community. follow it for update.