Forum Discussion

Marianne80's avatar
8 years ago

How do find "post-list" and move to Category page instead of Recent post pages?

Hi!   I am not developer but am trying to do some investigations what possible and not. I would like the element "post-list" in the CAtegory page instead of "recent post pages) or have Recent post ...
  • VikasB's avatar
    8 years ago


    You can get this from XML view of the page. There are some component in lithium which works on specific page only. So you have to check if it works on a category page or not. 

    1. Switch to XML view of recent post page.

    2. Copy the post-list component quilt. 

    3. Chnage page recent post page to category page.

    4. Switch to XML view and paste that component quilt on this page and Save.