jaikumar1 - You did not add headers and authorization code for this. Also, you can ${responses.error.message} to get the error message. This will be helpful while debugging.
<#assign responses = http.client.request("https","api.stage.lithium.com","community/v1/<tenantID>/boards/id/<id>").header("client-id","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").header("authorization", "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").header("Content-Type", "application/json").get()/>
<#if responses.hasError>
There is some error
There is no error..
For the authorization code, you need to follow Oauth 2.0. You can use postman to get it and directly pass it to the HTTP client.
However, even after adding headers I was getting an issue API.
http request not allowed: http client not allowed: hostname-lithium-domain-name
I have tried to add api.stage.lithium.com to Allowed HTTP client, however, lithium doesn't let me add this URL. You can try this at your end if you get any success.