Forum Discussion

cstone's avatar
8 years ago

How to nest a quilt within another quilt

This is a pretty basic question, but I can't seem to find the answer.


I would like to add a quilt within another quilt, I have read that they are nestable, but not sure how to achieve this.


for example:

We have this quilt for Forum Topic Page

<quilt layout="one-column" nestable="false" disableTopCssClass="false">
  <add to="common-footer">
    <component id="community-footer"/>
  <add to="main-content">
    <component id=""/>
    <component id="topic-message"/>
    <component id="thread-pager"/>
    <component id="solution-count-conditional"/>
    <component id="solution-list"/>
    <component id="reply-count-conditional"/>
    <component id="reply-list"/>
    <component id="message-pager"/>
  <add to="common-header">
    <component id="community-header"/>
    <component id="common.widget.breadcrumb"/>
  <add to="icons" for="Footer">
    <component id="common.widget.scroll-to"/>

I would like to include another quilt entitled Forum Topic Header


<quilt layout="topic-header" nestable="true" disableTopCssClass="false">
  <add to="topic-header-right">
    <component id="solution-link"/>
  <add to="topic-header-left">
    <component id=""/>
    <component id="solved-indicator"/>

How do I include Forum Topic Header in Forum Topic Page.


Thank you

  • cstone-


    You need to pass quilt:<quilt name> in the id of component.  As shown below, it will add ForumTopicHeader quilt.

    <component id="quilt:ForumTopicHeader" wrapper="lia-page-header"/>


1 Reply

  • cstone-


    You need to pass quilt:<quilt name> in the id of component.  As shown below, it will add ForumTopicHeader quilt.

    <component id="quilt:ForumTopicHeader" wrapper="lia-page-header"/>