Forum Discussion

isxtn's avatar
2 years ago

Is it possible to have a language pack function at a subcategory only level?

Let's say we have a category called "groups" and in that category, there is a sub-category that we'd like to enable Spanish in, limited to that sub-category. Is that something that's possible or are languages only able to be set at TLCs?


  • Setting it up for a sub category wouldn't be much different than for a Top Level Category (TLC). 

    TLCs are more about pretending the TLC is actually the top-most level of the community, instead of the community page.

    So, if you wanted one category to be Spanish, you can go into that category's settings, go to users > profile defaults, and set the default language to Spanish.

    This won't work if the user has changed their profile settings to have a language set to anything other than default, which will override this setting. To "fix" that, you'd have to create something in common.init that forces the users language to spanish when they enter that category, then change it back when they leave, which would be a bit of a hassle and probably bad user experience.

3 Replies

  • To answer your question - I don't believe so, it's a global change unless there is some magic Khoros could do.

    Are you aware the language packs don't actually localize the majority of the text, including all user generated content? Because of that, I don't fully grasp why you would want to limit it for any reason. The purpose of the language packs are to give someone who may not speak english the ability to get around the settings page, and basic navigation items. It wouldn't make sense for a Spanish speaker to only get a few buttons localized in the group, and still make them see english everywhere else.

  • isxtn's avatar
    2 years ago

    Thanks. Understood, it doesn't localize the user text but most of the user text will be in Spanish, so no worries there. We just want to have the surrounding buttons and boilerplate be in Spanish as well, limited to this Spanish language group. 

    Which is not to say, of course, that we want to limit a user's ability to select Spanish as their profile language, it's just that we want this particular group within a sub-category to have Spanish OOTB links, etc. The rest of them we'll do with text keys. 


  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    Setting it up for a sub category wouldn't be much different than for a Top Level Category (TLC). 

    TLCs are more about pretending the TLC is actually the top-most level of the community, instead of the community page.

    So, if you wanted one category to be Spanish, you can go into that category's settings, go to users > profile defaults, and set the default language to Spanish.

    This won't work if the user has changed their profile settings to have a language set to anything other than default, which will override this setting. To "fix" that, you'd have to create something in common.init that forces the users language to spanish when they enter that category, then change it back when they leave, which would be a bit of a hassle and probably bad user experience.