Forum Discussion

clemlith's avatar
12 years ago

Limit the number of post in RSS feed

Hi everyone,


I noticed that there is a rss feed related to search.

I find this very helpful.

Il would like to know if there is a parameter which enable me to only have the 5 first result of the rss search feed ?


I have tried to add "page_size=5" at the end of the URL but it has nos effect



Do you have any thought about this ?

Thanks in advance


Note : I know that this easily feasible through the API but I need to use RSS.



  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert

    Hey clemlith,


    Depending on the RSS reader users are using, they may have a setting on it specifying the maximum number of posts.


    If you want a community setting for a specific feature, this can currently only be done by a configuration at the community level for the feature (i.e. set maximum results for all search rss feeds to 5). You would have to contact support to get this set up for your community.


    Hope this helps,



    • clemlith's avatar

      Hi YuriK,

      Apologies for the late reply.

      Thanks for you answer.

      Actually I did use the API to find a workaround because the option of limiting all search rss feeds to 5 was a little bit restrictive.



      • YuriK's avatar
        Khoros Expert
        Glad you were able to find a workaround!

        Thank you,
