Forum Discussion

jjeremiah's avatar
8 years ago

List blog posts from parent node

I have a community structure:


        - Category Blog

        SubCat 1
        SubCat 2
        SubCat 3


Is there a simple way to add a component to the SubCats, that will list the latest blog posts from the Category Blog?







  • You can use API v2 to write a custom component to achieve that.

4 Replies

  • jjeremiah  I think OOTB component shows the latest post of their own and their nested child categories/boards but not from the parent or siblings. But you can go with a custom component approach to get it done.

  • jjeremiah : Did you check this Document.  Hope it will work.


    If my post is helpful and answers your question, please give "Kudos" and "Accept it as a Solution."

    Thanks & Regards,
    Abhishek Illindra

  • You can use API v2 to write a custom component to achieve that.
  • jjeremiah's avatar
    8 years ago

    It always helps me to see the working code... when it's's how I've implemented this custom component - which lists the 5 most recent blog posts.


    1. The query is where the target blog is identified.... so the code is reusable in a different component with minimal changes.

    2. I've included the class model/structure in the bottom half, so that the component will pick up the CSS styling rules for our community.


    <#-- Blog teaser   v4-->
    <#-- change the "" in the query to focus on a different blog/board  -->
    <#include "message-macros"/>
    <#assign qry = "SELECT id, view_href,, author.view_href, author.login, subject, teaser, body, post_time, post_time_friendly,,, board.title, board.view_href, current_revision.last_edit_time FROM messages WHERE = 'blog' AND'sws-22'ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 5" />
    <#assign messages = executeLiQLQuery(qry) />
    <#if messages?size gt 0>
    <#assign brd = messages[0] />
    <div class="lia-panel lia-panel-standard  custom-component-blogteaser">
    	<div class="lia-decoration-border">
    		<div class="lia-decoration-border-top">
    			<div class="lia-decoration-border-content">
    				<div class="lia-panel-heading-bar-wrapper">
    					<div class= "lia-panel-heading-bar">
    						<div class= "lia-panel-heading-bar-title">
    							<h1> Recent blogs from:  &nbsp<a href="${getFieldValue(brd.board.view_href)}"> ${getFieldValue(brd.board.title)} </a> </h1>
    							<hr /> 
    						<div class = "lia-panel-content-wrapper">
    							<div class="lia-panel-content">
    								<#list messages as msg>
    								<a href="${getFieldValue(msg.view_href)}" target="_top">
    							         <h3 style='display:inline'>-  ${getFieldValue(msg.subject)}  </h3></a>  <p style='display:inline'> &nbsp;&nbsp; By:   ${getFieldValue(}</p>
    								 	<hr /> 


    Hope this helps someone else.

