Forum Discussion

BowBharath's avatar
7 years ago

Match function is available here !

Math.pow(1000, i+1);


<#assign decimal = Math.pow(1000, val+1)>


What is the correct function here ?

  • BowBharath - No such function is available in freemarker. You can check all the available function for number here


    Below is a custom function which would return the same result. 

    <#function Mathpow base exponent>
       <#assign result = 1 />
       <#list 1..exponent as val>
        <#assign result = result*base />
      <#return result />
    ${Mathpow(4,3)}  //64
  • BowBharath - No such function is available in freemarker. You can check all the available function for number here


    Below is a custom function which would return the same result. 

    <#function Mathpow base exponent>
       <#assign result = 1 />
       <#list 1..exponent as val>
        <#assign result = result*base />
      <#return result />
    ${Mathpow(4,3)}  //64