Forum Discussion

peterlu's avatar
10 years ago

Missing API - Top Solution Authors Leaderboard

Hi All,


We have this api "/restapi/vc/kudos/authors/leaderboard?max_age=all" for top kudos authors

Do we have top solution authors API?


I know there is a built-in component for "Top Solution Authors". I am talking about API here.

It is a bit wierd that we have the api for top kudos authors but no api for top solution authors.




  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Hi Peter,


    It looks like we still don't have support in the API for showing the solutions leaderboard (it looks like you asked about this in this post: Top Accepted Solution Author Leaderboard rest api).  The UI support for the Solutions Leaderboard was added because a customer submitted an Idea in our Ideas Board: 


    Accepted solutions leaderboard


    Would you mind submitting an Idea for this?  I hope that will get this request some more visibility.



