Forum Discussion

browneandrae's avatar
5 years ago

Move a message programmatically to a different board

thanks, trying the below to move the message. I looked at v1 and v2 calls and neither are working. The error message I get for the call below is the second snippet. I couldn't find any specific documentation for how to move a message. Any advice please?

1st snippet

 <#assign pathConstruct = "/messages/${messageId}" />
    <#assign messagePostCall = restBuilder().method("PUT").path(pathConstruct).body({"board": {"id" :"UserReportedSpam","type": "board"}} ).admin(true) />
    <#assign userCanRemovePost = true />
 <#assign resp = />
2nd snippet
InMemoryObjectInstanceTemplateModel{entity=InMemoryObjectInstance [fieldMap={http_code=null, data=InMemoryObjectInstance [fieldMap={code=303, developer_message=messages is not a valid collection name (for the objectKey: ObjectKey[board(version: 1)]), more_info=, type=error_data}, object=ObjectKey[error_response_data(version: 1)]], message=board is not a valid object for the messages collection., status=error}, object=ObjectKey[error_response(version: 1)]]}
  • <#assign pathConstruct = "/messages/id/${messageId}/move/board/id/BoardId" />

    <#assign apiResults = restadmin(pathConstruct) />

1 Reply

  • <#assign pathConstruct = "/messages/id/${messageId}/move/board/id/BoardId" />

    <#assign apiResults = restadmin(pathConstruct) />