Forum Discussion
8 years agoBoss
tsrisudh- Can you clear the SDK plugin for only skin and try again.
- tsrisudh8 years agoAdvisor
Hi TariqHussain
when i do
li clear-studio-plugin --points "skin" --force
i get an error as below
Error: [CLEAR_FAILED] Error trying to clear studio plugin points Failure Code: PLUGIN_POINT_CLEAR_FAILURE Failure Rule: CUSTOM_RULE Failure Message: No files were found for the skin plugin point Failure Details: The Studio plugin does not have any files in one or more of these directories: /res/skins/. When clearing the Studio plugin, files must be present in all plugin points specified with the --points flag or the pluginPoints setting in the SDK configuration file. Suggestion: Only specify plugin points that have files in the Studio plugin when running the clear Studio plugin task, or alternatively select Y to clear the entire Studio plugin.
Not sure why this says so, any idea why this is happening?
- TariqHussain8 years agoBoss
tsrisudh - I assume you need to clear SDK plugin in order to make any changes to the skin using the studio.
li clear-plugin --points "skin" --force
Let me know if this works
- tsrisudh8 years agoAdvisor--points option is not available in clear-plugin, this clears all the plugins and this is not something i want
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