Forum Discussion

keithkelly's avatar
2 years ago

Possible? Display 30-day FRT on a Board Component?

Our Board Oversight teams would like a component on their boards that displays the First Response Time (FRT) average over the past 30 days. 

While I realize I can grab this in Community Analytics, and I also am comfortable around the API... I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to grabbing time-constrained data via the API

Here's the board component with the line in question:

<#if userHasApplicableRole>  
  <#assign frt = [30_DAY_BOARD_FRT_AVG] />  <#-- this -->  
  <div class="dc-boardwidget-FRT" title="FRT 30-day average">
    <i class="fa-regular fa-reply-clock"></i>


Is this possible with the API?


3 Replies

  • Looks like you need this:


    I might picked the wrong metric, but you can find the name of each by grabbing the value from url like

    Dates can get weird, but you should be able to use the datesupport method



  • keithkelly's avatar
    2 years ago

    Weird - this is returning the *total* Minutes to First Response (as showing on Community Admin Analytics) rather than the *avg*

    Even though my URL is asking for the average:

    Is there anything obviously wrong here that would case that?


  • keithkelly's avatar
    8 months ago

    Does this calculate "total" or "average" for you?  I ran into this issue again and this API metric is definitely still giving me the total 🤦