Hey jlutterloh,
Two seperate parts:
- Pre-Moderation: posts are not public until they have been approved by a moderator. We can do that! Talk to professional services about using our moderation tool.
- Permissions: Our current permission system relies on inheritance from the board. Therefore every message inside the board will have the same "read" permission. This would require a custom permission to be introduced into core code for every community which applies the logic you requested.
Possible workflow:
[User Posts Message] --> [Message Is Answered By Mod] --> [Moderator Approves Message] --> [Message Is Now Public]
Note: step 2 and 3 should probably be combined into a single step (answer then approve), but you may want the answer-ers to be product experts and the moderators to be "legal" experts.
Question: Is this really what you want to be doing? This might make sense if it is mostly a support community; But this approach seems to take the community aspect out of, well... the community. It would become an online call-center rather than a bunch of product users helping eachother out with the added guidance of employed product experts.
I am not saying that this is a bad approach, I just want to make sure that this really what you want and what is best for the community.
Let me know if you have any other questions,