Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
12 years ago

Q&A Moderation

We are trying to implement a system whereby users may submit questions and then only once they have been reviewed and answered, they are viewable to the general public. Can someone provide some insight as to how this might be possible within Lithium? We've looked for permissions, mod settings, etc for this and can't seem to find this type of capability. The only mod settings we've seen as far as pre-mod,post-mod stuff only applies to blog comments and/or images.




2 Replies

  • DavidE's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    Hey jlutterloh,


    Two seperate parts:

    1. Pre-Moderation: posts are not public until they have been approved by a moderator. We can do that! Talk to professional services about using our moderation tool.
    2. Permissions: Our current permission system relies on inheritance from the board. Therefore every message inside the board will have the same "read" permission. This would require a custom permission to be introduced into core code for every community which applies the logic you requested.

    Possible workflow:

    [User Posts Message] --> [Message Is Answered By Mod] --> [Moderator Approves Message] --> [Message Is Now Public]


    Note: step 2 and 3 should probably be combined into a single step (answer then approve), but you may want the answer-ers to be product experts and the moderators to be "legal" experts.



    Question: Is this really what you want to be doing? This might make sense if it is mostly a support community; But this approach seems to take the community aspect out of, well... the community. It would become an online call-center rather than a bunch of product users helping eachother out with the added guidance of employed product experts.


    I am not saying that this is a bad approach, I just want to make sure that this really what you want and what is best for the community.


    Let me know if you have any other questions,

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    12 years ago

    You have explained out wanted workflow perfectly. I know it kind of defies the 'community-driven' idea but its only a section of the site and we're heavily regulated.


    So the question is this, we can't make this happen (essentially turn on pre-mod for Q&A) without professional services help?

