Query the Users based on the "last_visit_time"
Hello everyone,
I am trying to integrate with Khoros/Lithium v1-API's. I am trying to pull the user (/restapi/vc/users) data based on the "last_visit_time" element to get the list of the most recent users logged into the system unlike getting all the users information.
The sample user object contains the following elements mentioned below and I am trying to find if we can pass a "query" as a queryParams to get the user data based logged in the last 24 hours ?.
<user type="user" href="/users/id/5">
<last_visit_time type="date_time">2019-07-23T03:12:49+00:00</last_visit_time>
<email type="string">sharst080102@yopmail.com</email>
<registration_time type="date_time">2018-08-27T02:07:58+00:00</registration_time>
<banned type="boolean">false</banned>
<average_message_rating type="float">0.0</average_message_rating>
<average_rating type="float">0.0</average_rating>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<login type="string">shar</login>
<anonymous type="boolean">false</anonymous>
<sso_id type="string">efcb-e234f9c8cff1</sso_id>
<registered type="boolean">true</registered>
<id type="int">5</id>
any much related is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance 🙂
Note: I am querying through to get the results. any postman request/response will be greatly helpful
Hi chakri ,
You can easily use V2 API's in the Postman as well,
Eg. for the above V2 API you can pass something as follows:
/api/2.0/search?q=select * from users WHERE last_visit_time > 2019-08-19T16:23:23.000-07:00
Which in URL would seem like following
https://[Your community domain]/api/2.0/search?q=select%20*%20from%20users%20WHERE%20last_visit_time%20%3E%202019-08-19T16:23:23.000-07:00
The following is the documentation for the same:
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RegardsTarun Kumar