Forum Discussion
I am having trouble reproducing the issue on my mac. I was just able to create a project using your responsive stage site on my mac. Here are the details (with path names and hostnames changed of course):
LT3349:lia my.username$ node -v
LT3349:lia my.username$ npm -v
LT3349:lia my.username$ npm ls -g lithium-sdk --depth=0
└── lithium-sdk@1.0.1
LT3349:lia my.username$ li create-project
? What is your repository name?
Only lower case characters, numbers or hyphens (-) are allowed. myresponsivestageproject
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will connect to (beginning with "https://")?
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/.gitignore
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/package.json
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/gulpfile.js
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/sdk.conf.json
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/template.server.conf.json
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/components [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/controllers [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/endpoints [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/init [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/lang [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/layouts [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/macros [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/quilts [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/skins [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/components/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/controllers/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/endpoints/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/init/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/lang/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/layouts/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/macros/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/quilts/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/quilts/custom [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/skins/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/assets [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/badge_icons [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/rank_icons [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/survey_icons [DIR]
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/res/quilts/custom/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/assets/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/badge_icons/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/rank_icons/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/web/html/survey_icons/
[10:11:51] /Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/server.conf.json
[10:11:51] Starting: npm link lithium-sdk
/Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/node_modules/lithium-sdk -> /Users/my.username/.nvm/versions/node/v4.2.2/lib/node_modules/lithium-sdk
[10:11:51] Finished: npm link lithium-sdk
[10:11:51] Starting: npm link gulp
/Users/my.username/lisdk/myresponsivestageproject/node_modules/gulp -> /Users/my.username/.nvm/versions/node/v4.2.2/lib/node_modules/gulp
[10:11:52] Finished: npm link gulp
[10:11:52] Starting: npm install
npm WARN package.json myresponsivestageproject@ No license field.
[10:11:57] Finished: npm install
[10:11:57] Created myresponsivestageproject
Let me try on a Windows machine and see if I can't reproduce the problem there.
Hi miikka,
Were you able to get this working on your responsive stage site? I tried this on a windows 8 machine and was able to create a project. Here is the output from my attempt:
└── lithium-sdk@1.0.0
C:\Users\lithium>node -v
C:\Users\lithium>npm -v
C:\Users\lithium>npm ls -g lithium-sdk --depth=0
└── lithium-sdk@1.0.0
C:\Users\lithium>li create-project
? What is your repository name?
Only lower case characters, numbers or hyphens (-) are allowed. myrespstagesite
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
? What is the URL (include port if exists) to the dev/stage site that you will c
onnect to (beginning with "https://")?
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? () xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx
? Do you have a plugin token (if not press enter)? xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\gulpfile.js
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\sdk.conf.json
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\template.server.conf.json
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\.gitignore
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\package.json
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\components [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\controllers [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\endpoints [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\init [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\lang [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\layouts [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\macros [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\quilts [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\skins [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\components\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\controllers\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\endpoints\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\init\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\lang\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\layouts\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\macros\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\quilts\custom [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\quilts\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\skins\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\assets [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\badge_icons [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\rank_icons [DIR]
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\res\quilts\custom\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\assets\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\badge_icons\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\web\html\rank_icons\
[13:51:49] C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\server.conf.json
[13:51:49] Starting: npm link lithium-sdk
C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\node_modules\lithium-sdk -> C:\Users\lithium\App
[13:51:51] Finished: npm link lithium-sdk
[13:51:51] Starting: npm link gulp
C:\Users\lithium\myrespstagesite\node_modules\gulp -> C:\Users\lithium\AppData\Ro
[13:51:52] Finished: npm link gulp
[13:51:52] Starting: npm install
npm WARN package.json myrespstagesite@ No license field.
[13:52:09] Finished: npm install
[13:52:10] Created myrespstagesite
If you are still unable to get the project to create, can you send me what windows OS/version you are using, as well as what version of Python, Windows SDK, and Visual Studio C++ libraries you have installed?
- miikka10 years agoMaven
Hi Doug,
just tried again after updating gulp (now version 3.8.8) and lithium-sdk (now version 1.0.0) and unfortunately the issue still persists both on Mac and on Windows. Mac OS X version is 10.11.2 and Windows is Windows 10 version 1511. On Mac I have Python 2.7.10 and on Windows it's 2.7.3
This is very strange as creating a project against our regular stage instance works on both platforms, it's just that it does not work against the responsive dev site.
- jenifferhomes10 years agoContributor
actually solving this problem is easy: first you need to find android-support-v7-appcompat.jar and android-support-v4.jar in this folder :
(if you can't find them then you should install them from Android SDK Manager: Extras/Android Support Library)
and copy them into libs folder in your project inside work-space.
for example
and also make sure in eclipse
project/properties/Java Build Path
that first two files are connected with those copied files.
- DougS10 years agoKhoros Oracle
I was using Windows 10 when I tested on Windows and I'm on a pretty old version of mac right now (upgrading soon). The only thing I can think of to try would be to completely uninstall the node.js from your machines (plus on winows you might need to uninstall and re-install visual studio and pyton if that's an option for you) and then do the install of node, gulp, and the SDK again.
- miikka10 years agoMaven
Hi Doug,
I was actually thinking about a clean install too so will try that on Windows 10 then.
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