Forum Discussion

cjdinger's avatar
8 years ago

[SDK] "package-plugin" failure in plugin-build-res

Hi All,


Very new with the SDK, and trying to start small.  I've successfully completed "li export-studio-plugin".  I made a simple local change, and then attempted:


li package-plugin


Just to validate things.  That's supposed to compile your plugin and make sure it's all valid, right?  But I get some errors:


[15:16:09] Loaded gulp tasks in: 1.15 s
[15:16:09] Using gulpfile C:\Projects\listage\sas-communities-sdk\gulpfile.js
[15:16:09] Starting 'plugin-build'...
[15:16:09] Starting 'clean-tmp'...
[15:16:09] Starting 'clean-plugin'...
[15:16:09] Starting 'clean-plugin-zip'...
[15:16:09] Finished 'clean-tmp' after 56 ms
[15:16:09] Finished 'clean-plugin-zip' after 35 ms
[15:16:09] Finished 'clean-plugin' after 38 ms
[15:16:09] Starting 'clean'...
[15:16:09] Finished 'clean' after 48 μs
[15:16:09] Starting 'plugin-build-res'...
[15:16:09] Starting 'plugin-build-web'...
[15:16:09] Starting 'plugin-git-version'...
[15:16:09] Finished 'plugin-git-version' after 93 μs
[15:16:09] Failed to sync files
[15:16:09] Finished 'plugin-build-res' after 37 ms
[15:16:09] Failed to sync files
[15:16:09] Finished 'plugin-build-web' after 38 ms
[15:16:09] Finished 'plugin-build' after 112 ms
[15:16:09] Starting 'plugin-verify'...
[15:16:09] Tested 0 tests, 0 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[15:16:09] Tested 0 tests, 0 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[15:16:09] ✗ FAIL: Missing 2 expected files: res, res/**
[15:16:09] Tested 1 tests, 0 passes, 1 failures: FAIL
[15:16:09] 'plugin-verify' errored after 46 ms
[15:16:09] [gulp] Error in plugin 'stream-sync': Errors
[Stream 2] Error in script 'gulp-expect-file': Failed 1 expectations

I don't like to "fail expectations" -- I like to exceed them.  However, this SDK command is a harsh critic.  As far as I can tell, I have a /res folder and content in my plugin folders.  What should I check?  Any way to request more verbose output from this command?


And yes, I'm doing all of this on Windows.  I managed to get the SDK components installed/built by having Python 2.7 and a C++ compiler in the right spots.




  • cjdinger

    I was facing the similar issues in SDK and I raised a ticket to support. They said that


    "We have 2 solutions which we "Support". 
    There is a Linux virtual machine which has all of the SDK pre-installed and all you would need to do is to install Oracle Machine to run the client. 
    And then there is the Mac version of the SDK. 
    I did discuss this with our developer team and they have mentioned that regrettably, they had to bench the idea of windows support for the foreseeable. "


    It does not mean we can not use it on the window. But I would also prefer to use Oracle or Mac to use the SDK. 

2 Replies

  • cjdinger

    I was facing the similar issues in SDK and I raised a ticket to support. They said that


    "We have 2 solutions which we "Support". 
    There is a Linux virtual machine which has all of the SDK pre-installed and all you would need to do is to install Oracle Machine to run the client. 
    And then there is the Mac version of the SDK. 
    I did discuss this with our developer team and they have mentioned that regrettably, they had to bench the idea of windows support for the foreseeable. "


    It does not mean we can not use it on the window. But I would also prefer to use Oracle or Mac to use the SDK. 

  • cjdinger's avatar
    8 years ago

    Thanks VikasB.  I feel like the Windows support for the SDK is so close to working, but I get that Lithium isn't supporting that path right now.


    I worked with Lithium support to get a Linux VM (guest machine for VirtualBox - OVA file) that has everything I need.  After sharing a folder from my Windows machine to the Linux guest, I can now manage the SDK commands on Linux while still working with the plugin source files on Windows.