SDK Preview mode doesn't seem to be working?
Hello fellow devs - I'm very new to GitHub, so I am unsure if this is something I've set up wrong, or if something isn't working in Aurora.
I have the SDK installed, and the orange box at the bottom of the screen indicates the SDK previewer is running (it never goes away, even when I haven't started anything in the terminal yet, as a matter of fact). I make the npm run start command in terminal, and I can see an orange outline on a widget I've made changes to - but the changes don't actually reflect in the browser, even upon refresh. Clearly it knows something is different because the outline is there. But the change (like adding a new word to a block of text) isn't there.
Is there a trick to getting the preview plugin to work? I've exited out of it from terminal now, and the outline won't go away anymore, even after going in and making the change to the widget directly, saving, and resyncing everything from the stage-main branch.
What should my order-of-operations be if I want to work in VS code and see my changes in the previewer of the browser?
I am convinced this is a me problem and not an Aurora problem. :(
What I did, in order:
Merged my working branch with stage-main
Opened the HTML for a custom widget on my working branch
Opened terminal and ran npm run start
Added text to the custom widget
Refreshed the page in browser
Orange outline on the widget shows, but not the new text.
Double checked I didn't accidentally break the HTML; I did not
Refreshed again, still nothing.
Internal frustration
Exited npm with Ctrl+C in terminal
Refreshed page again, orange box still there
Copied the updated HTML from VS Code, edited widget in browser, pasted, saved - change is exactly what I expected
More internal frustration
Decided to ask for help here
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help!