Regarding this Idea:
REST API versioning should be actually used
"vc" actually stands for "version configured" -- it is meant to point to whatever version of the Lithium REST API your community is configured (behind the scenes) to use. This allows you to make all your REST calls to a single version of the REST API and then when another version comes out, Lithium can change the configuration to point to a new version on stage, you can test the changes, then we can change the configuration to point to the new version on production. You can of course at any time decide to use a specific version of the REST API. Currently there is only a single version of the API, version 1, but you you could use "v1" in your REST calls instead of "vc", but this would then require you to change all your URLs to "v2" when a second version of the API is released that you want to start using with the new version. If you want to start using some URLs on v2 (when one comes out) and keep some on v1, then you would want to move away from using "vc" at that point, but becaues "vc" is always tied to a version of the REST API that is configured, it will always be tied to version 1 until you are ready for it to be moved to another verison.