Forum Discussion

rwm's avatar
11 years ago

Top Kudoed for a role

I want to create a listing very similar to the Top Kudoed Authors list, except only for users with a specific role, and only with a kudo count from the past 30 days.   I know I can get the list of ...
  • HaidongG's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi rwm ,


    this is not a full answer to your question, but for 


    "it seems that Freemarker in Lithium does not allow you to add key/value pairs of variables to a hash.".....


    you can creat a hash like 


    <#assign retHash = {} />

     and add values to your hash like

    <#assign retHash = retHash + { maxKey:maxValue} />


    there is no direct sorting method in freemarker as I am aware. so I had implemented a selection sort (?) function which just scan the hash and find the biggest pair and put into another hash. here is the code if you are interested :)


    <#function sortHashByValue inHash>
        <#assign retHash = {} />
        <#list inHash?keys as outterKey>
            <#assign maxKey = "" />
            <#assign maxValue = 0 />    
            <#list inHash?keys as curKey>
                <#assign currentValue = inHash[curKey]?number />
                <#if !(retHash[curKey]?? ) >           
                    <#if (maxKey == "") || ( currentValue > maxValue )  >
                        <#assign maxKey = curKey />
                        <#assign maxValue = currentValue />
            <#if (maxKey != "") >
                <#assign retHash = retHash + { maxKey:maxValue} />
        <#return retHash>


    it sorts the hash based on the value.