Forum Discussion

qingliu's avatar
12 years ago

Using REST API to build a customized featured topic widget

Hi All,   I would like to build a customized featured topic widget which will just pull the ehtire categories but not pull the featured blog posts.    I am reading the article in here: http://lit...
  • AdamN's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Qing,


    There are a couple of reasons you're not getting any results. First, the interaction style key you want to use is "forum" instead of "board". Second, the call you're using will only return results from boards directly under the community level, rather than boards in categories. See this note in the documentation for that method:

    "At category or wider scopes, only threads in directly nested boards are included, not those in boards in nested categories."


    To get the featured threads for nested categories too, you should use the following method:

    threads/style/[style] /featured/nested


    For example:



    I hope this helps!